i6engine  1.0
Messaging: Gui subsystem

Overview of all incoming messages supported by the gui subsystem

Supported Message types

Message channels the gui subsystem subscribes to:

  • GUI
  • Mouse

Mouse Placement

Place the cursor at a certain position within the game window.

Variable Value/Range Description
Method i6e::modules::GUIConfig::GUI_MOUSE_POS
fltPosX float New x position of the cursor
fltPosY float New y position of the cursor

Keyboard key pressed

Inject press of a keyboard key.

Variable Value/Range Description
Method i6e::modules::GUIConfig::GUI_KEY_DOWN
intKeycode int Keycode of the pressed key

Keyboard key released

Inject release of a keyboard key.

Variable Value/Range Description
Method i6e::modules::GUIConfig::GUI_KEY_UP
intKeycode int Keycode of the released key

Input of a character

Inject input of a character (MUST be done to fill textboxes where the injection of the keypress alone is not sufficient for CEGUI).

Variable Value/Range Description
Method i6e::modules::GUIConfig::GUI_CHAR
intChar int Character to be injected.


Inject a timepulse to the gui. Necessary for scripted actions and fades.

Variable Value/Range Description
Method i6e::modules::GUIConfig::GUI_TIMEPULSE
fltDeltaT float Time elapsed since the last tick

Cursor leaves the game window

Notify the gui subsytem, that the cursor has left the game window. Some gui widgets rely on this information to deactivate some of their functions.

Variable Value/Range Description
Method i6e::modules::GUIConfig::GUI_MOUSE_LEAVES