▼Nboost | |
▼Ni6e | |
►Napi | |
►Naudio | |
CAudio_Listener_Update | Updates sound listener |
CAudio_Node_Create | Creates a new audio node |
CAudio_Node_Delete | Deletes an audio node |
CAudio_PlaySound_Create | Plays given sound once |
CAudio_PlaySoundWithCallback_Create | Plays given sound with callback |
CAudio_Position_Update | Updates nodes position |
CAudio_StopSound_Delete | Stops given sound |
►Ncomponents | |
CComponent_Create_Create | Creates a Component on Object with id goid and Component id coid with registered template name tpl and attributes of params |
CComponent_Create_Delete | Deletes Component with familyID famID on GameObject with id goid |
CComponent_CreateCallback_Create | Creates a Component on Object with id goid and Component id coid with registered template name tpl and attributes of params and calls callback afterwards |
CComponent_EnableTicking_Update | Enables or disables ticking of a Component |
CComponent_MoverResync_Update | Used to resynchronize MoverComponents |
CComponent_Shatter_Update | Calls shatter method of given object with id of the other object detected during collision |
CComponent_Spawnpoint_Update | Reactivates a Spawnpoint |
►Ndetail | |
Cconstructible_from | |
►ChasInsertInMap | |
►Ngraphics | |
CGraphics_AmbLight_Update | Creates an ambient light |
CGraphics_AnimationFrameEvent_Update | Adds an event to a key frame of an animation |
CGraphics_AttachToBone_Update | Attaches a GameObject to a bone |
CGraphics_Billboard_Update | Creates a billboard |
CGraphics_BillboardRemove_Update | Removes a billboard |
CGraphics_BillboardSet_Create | Creates a billboard set |
CGraphics_BillboardSet_Delete | Removes a billboard set |
CGraphics_Camera_Create | Creates a camera node on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_Camera_Delete | Deletes a camera node from a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_Camera_Update | Updates a camera node on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_CameraFrustum_Update | Sets frustum for a camera node on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_Compositor_Update | Enables/disables a compositor for a viewport |
CGraphics_CusParam_Update | Message to change a custom parameter of a shader script |
CGraphics_DetachFromBone_Update | Detaches a GameObject from a bone |
CGraphics_DrawBB_Update | Draws BoundingBox |
CGraphics_FPS_Create | Shows FPS |
CGraphics_FPS_Delete | Hides FPS |
CGraphics_Fullscreen_Update | Updates fullscreen mode of render window |
CGraphics_GetHighestCoordinate_Update | Get highest coordinate |
CGraphics_Graphic_Delete | Shuts graphics subsystem down |
CGraphics_Line_Create | Creates a line between to given points, used e.g. by DebugDrawer for bounding boxes |
CGraphics_Line_Delete | Deletes a line between two points |
CGraphics_LoadResources_Create | Preload resources of a level |
CGraphics_Luminous_Delete | Deletes a light from the GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_Luminous_Update | Updates the light on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_Material_Update | Changes material of a mesh |
CGraphics_Mesh_Create | Creates a mesh on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_Mesh_Delete | Deletes mesh on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_Mesh_Update | Updates the mesh on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_MeshVisibility_Update | Updates the visibility of a mesh on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_MovableText_Create | Creates a MovableText on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_MovableText_Delete | Deletes a MovableText on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_MovableText_Update | Updates a MovableText on a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_MovableTextAutoScaleCallback_Update | Updates a MovableText on a GraphicsNode and adds auto scaling |
CGraphics_Node_Create | Creates a node in Graphics subsystem, used by PhysicsNode and MeshAppearanceComponent |
CGraphics_Node_Delete | Deletes a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_Node_Update | Updates position, rotation and scale of a GraphicsNode |
CGraphics_Particle_Create | Creates a particle effect on given position |
CGraphics_Particle_Delete | Deletes a particle effect |
CGraphics_Particle_Update | Updates a particle effect |
CGraphics_ParticleFadeOut_Update | Lets a particle fade out |
CGraphics_PlayAnimation_Update | Plays an animation |
CGraphics_RemoveBB_Update | Removes BoundingBox |
CGraphics_Resolution_Update | Updates resolution of render window |
CGraphics_SaveTerrainShape_Create | Exports a terrain shape |
CGraphics_Screenshot_Create | Takes a screenshot |
CGraphics_SetAnimationSpeed_Update | Sets animation speed |
CGraphics_SetExponentialFog_Update | Sets exponential fog |
CGraphics_SetLinearFog_Update | Sets linear fog |
CGraphics_Shader_Create | Creates a shader for a GraphicsNode (deprecated) |
CGraphics_Shader_Delete | Deletes a shader of a GraphicsNode (deprecated) |
CGraphics_ShadowCasting_Update | Enables or disables shadowcasting |
CGraphics_ShadowTechnique_Update | Updates shadow technique |
CGraphics_SkyBox_Create | Creates sky box |
CGraphics_SkyBox_Delete | Deletes sky box |
CGraphics_SkyDome_Create | Creates sky dome |
CGraphics_SkyDome_Delete | Deletes sky dome |
CGraphics_SkyPlane_Create | Creates sky plane |
CGraphics_SkyPlane_Delete | Deletes sky plane |
CGraphics_StopAnimation_Update | Stop an animation |
CGraphics_Terrain_Delete | Deletes a terrain |
CGraphics_TerrainHeightdata_Create | Creates a Terrain in graphics subsystem |
CGraphics_TerrainHeightdata_Update | Updates a terrain |
CGraphics_TerrainHeightmap_Create | Creates a Terrain using a heightmap in graphics subsystem |
CGraphics_TerrainHeightmap_Update | Updates a terrain |
CGraphics_TerrainSetHeight_Update | Updates a terrain |
CGraphics_Viewport_Update | Updates dimensions and color of a viewport |
CGraphics_Viewports_Delete | Deletes a viewport |
CResolution | |
►Ngui | |
CGUI_Add_Create | Creates basic GUI |
CGUI_Add_Row_Entry | Adds an entry to a MultiColumnList |
CGUI_AddColumn | Adds a column to a GUIMultiColumnHeader |
CGUI_AddImageset_Create | Adds a new imageset |
CGUI_AddToRoot_Update | Adds a window to root |
CGUI_Alignment | Sets alignment of Widget |
CGUI_Amount | Sets amount of rows for MultiColumnList |
CGUI_Child_Update | Updates a child |
CGUI_CleanUp_Delete | Cleans up GUI |
CGUI_Colour | Sets color for Widget |
CGUI_Event_Update | Changes state of the event |
CGUI_Image | Sets image to Widget |
CGUI_Lifetime | Sets lifetime for Widget (Prints) |
CGUI_LoadCanvas_Create | Loads a canvas file |
CGUI_MouseCursorImage_Update | Changes the mouse cursor |
CGUI_MouseVisible_Update | Updates mouse visibility |
CGUI_PauseAnimation | Pauses an animation on Widget |
CGUI_PlayAnimation | Plays an animation on Widget |
CGUI_Position | Sets position for Widget |
CGUI_Progress | Sets progress of the Widget (for ProgressBar) |
CGUI_Resolution_Update | Updates resolution of render window |
CGUI_SetAcceptTextCallback | Callback being called when entered text in editbox is submitted |
CGUI_SetAutoLineBreak | Sets auto line break to Widget |
CGUI_SetDefaultFont | Sets default font |
CGUI_SetDragable | Enables or disables dragging of Widget |
CGUI_SetDropCallback | Callback being called when Widget is dropped |
CGUI_SetDropTarget | Enables or disables a GUIWidget as drop target |
CGUI_SetEnterTextCallback | Callback being called when text is changed in Editbox |
CGUI_SetParent | Sets widget as child of another one |
CGUI_SetProperty | Callback being called when text is changed in Editbox |
CGUI_SetSelected | Sets the widget to selected or not |
CGUI_SetSelectedCallback | Callback being called when selection in ToggleButton changes |
CGUI_SetSelectedStringCallback | Callback being called when selection in ComboBox changes |
CGUI_SetTooltip | Sets tooltip to a widget |
CGUI_Size | Sets size of Widget |
CGUI_StopAnimation | Stops an animation on Widget |
CGUI_SubscribeEvent_Update | Subscribes method to be called using button |
CGUI_Text | Sets text to Widget |
CGUI_UnpauseAnimation | Unpauses an animation on Widget |
CGUI_Visibility | Sets visibility of the Widget |
CGUI_Widget_Create | Creates given Widget |
CGUI_WidgetTemplate_Create | Registers a template for a Widget |
CGUI_Window_Create | Registers a RenderWindow in GUI subsystem |
CGUIUpdateMessageStruct | Used to partially unwrap GUI messages |
►Ninput | |
CInput_ConsoleRead_Create | Read something from stdin |
CInput_Keyboard_Update | Notifies state of a key |
CInput_Mouse_Update | Updates mouse position |
CInput_MouseWheel_Update | Mouse wheel |
CInput_Resolution_Update | Updates resolution of render window |
CInput_SubscribeKeyEvent_Create | Subscribes a key for one of the key states to call given method if state occures |
CInput_SubscribeKeyEvent_Delete | Unsubscribes a pair of key and state |
CInput_Window_Create | Registers a RenderWindow for Input subsystem |
►Nnetwork | |
CAdministration_GameState_Create | Message containing a list of all GameObjects the server contains |
CNetwork_ChatMessage | Sends a text message to other subscribers |
CNetwork_Ping_Update | Sends ping message to all clients containing send time |
CNetwork_PingEnable_Update | Sets activation state of pinging |
CNetwork_Pingtime_Update | Synchronization message to update players ping visualization |
CNetwork_TimeSynchro_Update | Synchronization message to update application time at client |
►Nobjects | |
CGOTemplate | Internal representation of all GameObject templates |
CGOTemplateComponent | Internal representation of a Component within a GameObject template |
CObject_Clean_Delete | Struct for deletion of all GameObjects never send through network |
CObject_ComponentTicking_Update | Enables or disables ticking of Components never send through network |
CObject_ConditionalMessage_Update | Struct for sending messages to special GameObjects fullfilling the given method never send through network |
CObject_Create_Create | Creates a GameObject out of a template file |
CObject_Create_Delete | Deletes a GameObject |
CObject_CreateAndCall_Create | Struct for creation of a GameObject and calling a callback with it never send through network |
CObject_KillMe_Update | Struct for deletion of GameObject using ConditionalMessage never send through network |
CObject_Level_Create | Loads a level |
CObject_Pause_Update | Pauses the subsystem never send through network |
CObject_RegisterCTemplate_Create | Struct for registering component templates never send through network |
CObject_State_Update | Struct for saying the Object subsystem to send its state through network never send through network |
CObject_Type_Delete | Deletes all objects of given type |
CPosition_Update | Message for creation of new Position |
►Nphysics | |
CPhysics_Accelerate_Update | Message for acceleration of VelocityComponent |
CPhysics_AddPosition_Update | Message for addition of object position (cumulative) |
CPhysics_ApplyRotation_Update | Applies new rotation to PhysicsNode |
CPhysics_BreakConstraintImpulse_Update | Message for setting breaking impulse for Constraint between two PhysicsNodes |
CPhysics_Collision_Update | Sends update of collision flags vom PhysicalStateComponent to PhysicsNode |
CPhysics_Comp_Update | Sends message to PhysicalStateComponent with updates of velocity and impulse |
CPhysics_Constraint_Delete | Message for deletion of a Constraint between two PhysicsNodes |
CPhysics_Decelerate_Update | Message for deceleration of VelocityComponent |
CPhysics_Force_Update | |
CPhysics_Gravity_Update | Sends update for world gravity |
CPhysics_LinearVelocity_Update | Sets the linear velocity of a PhysicsNode |
CPhysics_Node_Create | Message for creation of new PhysicsNode |
CPhysics_Node_Delete | Message for deletion of new PhysicsNode |
CPhysics_Node_Update | Message for creation of new PhysicsNode |
CPhysics_NodeGravity_Update | Sets the gravity for the given object This overrides the default gravity, thus (0, 0, 0) will result in no gravity at all |
CPhysics_NodePosition_Update | Message for update of PhysicsNode position |
CPhysics_P2PConstraint_Create | Message for creation of Point2PointConstraint between two PhysicsNodes |
CPhysics_Pause_Update | Pauses the subsystem never send through network |
CPhysics_RayTest_Update | Message for raytest |
CPhysics_RayTestNotify_Update | Message for raytest feedback |
CPhysics_Reset_Update | Removes all powers from a PhysicsNode |
CPhysics_SetMaxSpeed_Update | Message for setting maxSpeed of a VelocityComponent |
CPhysics_SetResistanceCoefficient_Update | Message for creation of a VelocityComponent in Physics |
CPhysics_SetWindage_Update | Message for creation of a VelocityComponent in Physics |
CPhysics_StopAcceleration_Update | Message for stopping acceleration of VelocityComponent |
CPhysics_VelocityComponent_Create | Message for creation of a VelocityComponent in Physics |
CPhysics_VelocityComponent_Delete | Message for deletion of a VelocityComponent in Physics |
►Nscripting | |
CScripting_RayResult_Update | Struct for message executing given method in given script file using raytest result as parameter |
CAnimatedDirectionalLightComponent | Tells the engine that this GameObject is emitting light. For creating a AnimatedDirectionalLightComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
directionDuration | no | int | duration of one direction interpolation cycle | yes |
directionKey_<timePoint> | no | Vec3 | direction at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) | yes |
CAnimatedLuminousAppearanceComponent | Interpolates light colours and attenuation (e.g. range) For creating a AnimatedLuminousAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
diffuseDuration | no | int | duration of one diffuse interpolation cycle | yes |
diffuseKey_<timePoint> | no | Vec3 | diffuse colour at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) | yes |
specularDuration | no | int | duration of one specular interpolation cycle | yes |
specularKey_<timePoint> | no | Vec3 | specular colour at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) | yes |
attenuationDuration | no | int | duration of one attenuation interpolation cycle | yes |
attenuationKey_<timePoint> | no | Vec4 | attenuation at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) | yes |
CAnimatedSpotLightComponent | Tells the engine that this GameObject is emitting light. For creating a AnimatedSpotLightComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
directionDuration | no | int | duration of one direction interpolation cycle | yes |
directionKey_<timePoint> | no | Vec3 | direction at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) | yes |
innerRangeDuration | no | int | duration of one inner range interpolation cycle | yes |
innerRangeKey_<timePoint> | no | double | inner range at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) | yes |
outerRangeDuration | no | int | duration of one outer range interpolation cycle | yes |
outerRangeKey_<timePoint> | no | double | outer range at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) | yes |
CAnimationControllerComponent | Stores different animation events for animations and registers them again when starting an animation |
CApplication | Interface for the game developer |
CAudioFacade | |
CBillboardComponent | Tells the engine what billboard to show For creating a BillboardComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
material | yes | std::string | Material used for the Billboard | yes |
width | yes | double | relative width | yes |
height | yes | double | relative height | yes |
origin | yes | int | one of BillboardOrigin's int values | yes |
CCameraComponent | Attaches a camera to an object. The Camera will follow the object For creating a CameraComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
pos | yes | Vec3 | relative position of camera to SceneNode | yes |
lookAt | yes | Vec3 | absolute look at position in the world | yes |
nearclip | yes | double | near clipping distance | yes |
aspect | no | double | aspect ration of the camera | yes |
viewport | no | bool | defines whether this camera has a viewport or not | yes |
zOrder | *) | int | relative position on the screen depending on other viewports (has to be unique), *) required when viewport true | yes |
vp_left | *) | double | left startpoint of the viewport, value between 0 and 1, *) required when viewport true | yes |
vp_top | *) | double | uppper startpoint of the viewport, value between 0 and 1, *) required when viewport true | yes |
vp_width | *) | double | width of the viewport, value between 0 and 1, *) required when viewport true | yes |
vp_height | *) | double | height of the viewport, value between 0 and 1, *) required when viewport true | yes |
vp_red | *) | double | red part of the viewports background colour, *) required when viewport true | yes |
vp_green | *) | double | green part of the viewports background colour, *) required when viewport true | yes |
vp_blue | *) | double | blue part of the viewports background colour, *) required when viewport true | yes |
vp_alpha | *) | double | alpha part of the viewports background colour, *) required when viewport true | yes |
CCollisionGroup | Struct containing the collision info for an object |
CComponent | Component Base Class. All Components must derive from Component |
CEngineController | This class is used as the Controller for the whole engine Create an instance of this class and use the functions to start / stop / ... the Engine |
CFollowComponent | Component for objects following another one (e.g. projectiles) For creating a FollowComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
targetID | yes | int64_t | id of the GameObject that should be followed | yes |
speed | yes | double | speed in meters / second | yes |
CGameObject | Class representing a GameObject in the i6engine |
CGraphicsFacade | |
CGUIFacade | This class manages the GUIWindows and provides some general API methods that aren't related to a special window |
CGUIWidget | Superclass for all GUI widgets |
CIDManager | Handles IDs for GameObjects |
CInputFacade | |
CLanguageManager | Handles the current language of the Game a change of the language notifies all registered callbacks |
CLifetimeComponent | Destroys the owning game object after given lifetime For creating a LifetimeComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
lifetime | yes | uint64_t | time until this GameObject will be destroyed | yes |
CLineComponent | Creates a line in a given colour For creating a LineComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
startPos | yes | Vec3 | start position of the line | yes |
endPos | yes | Vec3 | end position of the line | yes |
colour | yes | Vec3 | colour of the line | yes |
CLuminousAppearanceComponent | Tells the engine that this GameObject is emitting light. For creating a LuminousAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
lightType | yes | int | one of the LightTypes | yes |
diffuseColor | yes | Vec3 | diffuse colour of the light | yes |
specularColor | yes | Vec3 | specular colour of the light | yes |
attenuation | yes | Vec4 | attenuation of the light, W = range (range in world units), X = constant (1.0 never attenuate, 0.0 complete attenuation), Y = linear (linear attenuation depending on distance), Z = quadratic factor | yes |
pos | no | Vec3 | relative position to SceneNode | yes |
direction | *) | Vec3 | direction of the light shaft, *) required if lightType is DIRECTIONAL or SPOT | yes |
spotLightRangeInner | *) | double | range of the inner cone of a spot light in degree, *) required if lightType is SPOT | yes |
spotLightRangeOuter | *) | double | range of the outer cone of a spot light in degree, *) required if lightType is SPOT | yes |
CMeshAppearanceComponent | Tells the engine what model/mesh to use when rendering the GameObject. For creating a MeshAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
mesh | yes | std::string | mesh file | yes |
visibility | no | bool | is this mesh visible or not, default is true | yes |
pos | yes | Vec3 | relative position to SceneNode | yes |
rot | yes | Vec3 | relative rotation to SceneNode | yes |
scale | yes | Vec3 | relative scale to SceneNode | yes |
material | no | std::string | optional change of the material on the mesh | yes |
shadowCasting | no | bool | defines whether a mesh casts shadows or not, default is true | yes |
CMessagingFacade | |
CMovableTextComponent | Shows a text above a mesh For creating a MovableTextComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
font | yes | std::string | font used for this Text | yes |
text | yes | std::string | the text shown above the GameObject | yes |
size | yes | double | font size | yes |
colour | yes | Vec3 | colour of the text | yes |
CMoveComponent | Component used for moving through the world requires both, a MovementComponent and a NavigationComponent to know how to move and get the route |
CMovementComponent | Base class for Movement components |
CMoverCircleComponent | Moves an object around a point in a circular way For creating a MoverCircleComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
pos | yes | Vec3 | center of the circle | yes |
axis | yes | Vec3 | axis around which the mover should circle | yes |
radius | yes | double | radius of the circle | yes |
realCenterPos | no | Vec3 | the real start pos of the circle | no |
CMoverComponent | This component let's the Object move through the world automatically on fixed paths Use addKeyFrame() to add new keyframes (specific positions in the world) Than call start to start the moving. This component will move the object during each tick. You can control the behaviour by defining a mode, a way and the way of positioning. Consult the enum definitions for a detailed description This Component will soon be split into several subclasses for different Ways. For creating a MoverComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
duration | yes | uint64_t | Duration of one movement cycle | yes |
positioning | yes | short | Absolute or relative positioning | yes |
continue | no | "true" | continues movement instead of starting | no |
startTime | *) | uint64_t | *) required when continue set to synchronize time | no |
lastPos | no | Vec3 | the last position of the circle | no |
linkable | no | bool | should colliding objects (with correct flags) be linked to this mover and moved with it | yes |
started | yes | bool | should this mover start directly | yes |
CMoverInterpolateComponent | Moving an object interpolating in some way For creating a MoverInterpolateComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
way | yes | short | How are the frames interpolated, one of enum entries of Way | yes |
mode | yes | short | In which order the frames will be processed | yes |
direction | yes | bool | Direction of this mover, true is forward, false is backward | yes |
openTime | *) | uint64_t | time mover stays at end position before moving backwards, *) required when mode is TWOSTATE_OPENTIME | yes |
keyframes | yes | int | number of keyframes to follow | yes |
keyframe__pos | *) | vector | position of i-th keyframe, *) required for all keyframes | yes |
keyframe__rot | *) | quaternion | rotation of i-th keyframe, *) required for all keyframes | yes |
CMovingCameraComponent | Attaches a moving camera to an object. This camera will follow the object in a more sophisticated way |
CNavigationComponent | Used for navigation between points |
CNetworkFacade | |
CNetworkSenderComponent | Defines that this gameobject shall be synchronised over network |
CObjectFacade | |
CParticleEmitterComponent | Emits Particles For creating a ParticleEmitterComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
particleEmitter | yes | std::string | The emitter for the particle | yes |
pos | no | Vec3 | relative position to SceneNode | yes |
fadeOut | no | bool | if set to true, the particle isn't removed immediately but emitters are stopped and so the particle fades out | yes |
fadeOutCooldown | *) | uint64_t | time after stopping emitters until particle will be destroyed, *) required if fadeOut is set | yes |
CPhysicalStateComponent | Represents an object's physical state and synchronizes with the Physics subsystem. For creating a PhysicalStateComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
syncPrio | no | int | priority from which upwards updates should be sent through network | yes |
gravity | no | Vec3 | gravity for this object. Replaces default | yes |
pos | yes | Vec3 | position of the SceneNode | yes |
rot | yes | Quaternion | rotation of the SceneNode | yes |
scale | yes | Vec3 | scale of the SceneNode | yes |
collisionGroup | yes | int int int | ResponseType CrashType CrashMask | yes |
shapeType | yes | int | one of the shapeTypes from ShapeType enum | yes |
shatterInterest | yes | int | one of the shatterInterests from ShatterInterest enum | yes |
compound | yes | bool | should this PSC be used as a compound shape together with other ones of this GameObject | yes |
CPhysicsFacade | Physics specific functions for the game which targets the whole world - not a single object |
CPoint2PointConstraintComponent | Connects two PhysicalStateComponents in a point RELATIVE to their origin For creating a Point2PointConstraintComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
selfIdentifier | yes | std::string | identifier for this constraint component, must be unique over the complete game | yes |
targetIdentifier | yes | std::string | identifier of the constraint this component is connected to | yes |
selfOffset | yes | Vec3 | offset on which this constraint is connected relative to origin | yes |
targetOffset | yes | Vec3 | offset on which target constraint is connected relative to its origin | yes |
breakingImpulse | no | double | impulse that is necessary to break connection, not breakable if not set | yes |
CRayTestResult | Struct containing information from raytest objID: id of GO hit first by the ray sourceID: id of the soure GO collisionPoint: hit point |
CScriptingFacade | |
CShatterComponent | This class is needed on every GameObject with: TRIGGER The shatter() method is called for detected collisions |
CSoundComponent | Attaches a sound node to an object. The Sound will follow the object For creating a SoundComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
offset | yes | Vec3 | offset to the position of the PhysicalStateComponent this Component is connected to | yes |
direction | yes | Vec3 | direction of the sound | yes |
file | yes | std::string | sound file for this sound, currently only wav is supported | yes |
looping | yes | bool | is this sound looping or only played once | yes |
maxDist | yes | double | maxmimum distance this sound should be hearable, volume is interpolated | yes |
cache | yes | bool | if set to true, this sound is cached in memory and mustn't be loaded from harddisk every time it is played | yes |
category | no | std::string | specifies the category this sound belongs to, e.g. music, effect, dialog, default value is empty string | yes |
CSoundListenerComponent | Attaches a sound listener to an object. The Listener will follow the object |
CSpawnpointComponent | Only defines this object as a spawnpoint For creating a SpawnpointComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
spawntypes | yes | std::string | GameObject types being spawnable at this Spawnpoint, separated by delimitter ; | yes |
CStaticStateComponent | Makes it possible to place a static GameObject For creating a StaticStateComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
pos | yes | Vec3 | position of the SceneNode | yes |
rot | yes | Quaternion | rotation of the SceneNode | yes |
scale | yes | Vec3 | scale of the SceneNode | yes |
CTerrainAppearanceComponent | Tells the engine what heightmap and texture to use when rendering the GameObject. For creating a TerrainAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
heightmap | yes | std::string | heightmap used for this terrain, either this or heightdata required, if both are provided, heightdata is used | yes |
heightdata | yes | std::vector<std::vector<double>> | heightdata used for this terrain, either this or heightmap required, if both are provided, heightdata is used | yes |
size | yes | double | expansion of the terrain | yes |
inputScale | yes | double | scale factor for the terrain heights, highest point of heightmap gets this height | yes |
vertices | yes | uint32_t | vertices along an edge, must be 2^n + 1 | yes |
layers | yes | uint32_t | amount of layers on the terrain | yes |
minX | yes | int64_t | minimum X for duplicates of the terrain | yes |
maxX | yes | int64_t | maximum X for duplicates of the terrain | yes |
minY | yes | int64_t | maximum Y for duplicates of the terrain | yes |
maxY | yes | int64_t | maximum Y for duplicates of the terrain | yes |
layer__size | yes | double | size of the texture units for every layer | yes |
layer__diffusespecular | yes | std::string | diffuse and specular map for every layer | yes |
layer__normal | yes | std::string | normal and displacement map for every layer | yes |
layer__minHeight | yes | double | minimum height where this layer shall appear, for every layer except the first | yes |
layer__fadeDist | yes | double | defines how fast the layers are blend over, for every layer except the first | yes |
CTextManager | Handles Texts for the Game |
CToggleWaynetComponent | Component used to show the waynet |
CVelocityComponent | Component for objects with more complex velocity handling than just setting an impulse, e.g. a car For creating a VelocityComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
acceleration | yes | double | acceleration of this GameObject, in m / sē | yes |
deceleration | no | double | breaking acceleration of this GameObject, in m / sē | yes |
maxSpeed | yes | double | maximum speed this GameObject can reach, in m / s | yes |
resistanceCoefficient | no | double | resistance coefficient, default: 0.6 | yes |
windage | no | double | windage of this GameObject, default: 0.8 mē | yes |
handling | no | int | handling for reaching maximum speed, keep maximum speed or stop acceleration to roll out, default: 0 (= KeepSpeed) | yes |
CWaynetManager | Handles the current Waynet |
CWaynetNavigationComponent | Use for navigation by waypoints |
CWaypointComponent | Represents a Waypoint in the world, containing an identifier and a list of connections For creating a WaypointComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
name | yes | std::string | name of this waypoint | yes |
connections | yes | std::string | names of the waypoints this one is connected to, seperated by delimitter ; | yes |
►Ncore | |
CEngineCoreController | This class is used as an abstraction layer |
►CIPKey | |
CHash | |
CMessage | Class representing a message to be sent |
CMessageStruct | |
CMessageSubscriber | Interface for every class that wants to subscribe to the messaging system |
CMessagingController | Central controller for messaging between subsystems and subsystems of different clients |
CModuleController | Part of the Subsystem that keeps the whole module running |
CQueuedModule | |
CReceivedMessage | Received message within a MessageSubscriber |
►CScheduler | |
CJob | This struct represents a single timer event |
CSubSystemController | This class is used as an abstraction layer |
CTimer | This class provides gametime-synchronized Timers. They are controlled by the Scheduler |
►Nmath | |
Ci6eMatrix | Implements m x n matrix |
Ci6eQuaternion | Class describing a 3d rotation |
Ci6eVector | Implements 3-dimensional vectors |
Ci6eVector2 | Implements 2-dimensional vectors |
Ci6eVector4 | Implements 4-dimensional vectors |
►Nmodules | |
CAudioController | Controls the sounds and music |
CAudioMailbox | Handles the incoming messages on the audio channel and calls the corresponding methods |
CAudioManager | |
CAudioNode | One sound |
CBillboardComponent | Handles all light related functionality |
CBoundingBoxComponent | Handles all light related functionality |
CCameraComponent | Handles all light related functionality |
CCollisionShapeData | |
CComponentFactory | Factory in order to create Component |
CDebug | |
CDebugDrawer | |
CGaussianBlurLogic | |
CGaussianListener | |
CGlowMaterialListener | |
CGOFactory | Factory in order to create GameObjects |
CGraphicsController | This class handles the whole Ogre graphics subsystem |
CGraphicsMailbox | Extracts the contents of incoming messages on the "Graphics" channel and calls the corresponding methods of the graphics subsystem |
CGraphicsManager | |
CGraphicsNode | Saves all graphics-related data associated with one GameObject |
CGUIBar | |
CGUICanvas | This class provides method to load a canvas file |
CGUIChat | |
CGUIComboBox | |
CGUIController | Responsible for initializing and updating the gui |
CGUIEditbox | |
CGUIFactory | This class provides methods for creating different kinds of GUI elements |
CGUIImage | |
CGUIImageButton | |
CGUIMailbox | Extracts the contents of incoming messages on the "Gui" channel and calls the corresponding methods of the gui subsystem |
CGUIManager | This class interacts with CEGUI. It's methods are executed in the OGRE / CEGUI thread |
CGUIMultiColumnList | |
CGUIPrint | |
CGUIStatusList | |
CGUITextButton | |
CGUIToggleButton | |
CGUITooltip | |
CHDRListener | |
CHDRLogic | |
CHeatVisionListener | |
CHeatVisionLogic | |
CHeightmapCollisionShapeData | |
►CIcoSphere | |
CLineIndices | |
CTriangleIndices | |
CInputController | Initializes the event listeners for keyboard and mouse input.
Responsible for sending input events to other subsystems via messages |
CInputMailbox | Dispatches all messages received by input subsystem |
CInputManager | |
CKeyboardListener | Monitors keypresses and sends the corresponding messages to the "Input" message channel |
CLineComponent | Handles all light related functionality |
CListenerFactoryLogic | |
CLuaScriptingController | Controls the scripting |
CLuaScriptingMailbox | Handles the incoming messages on the scripting channel and calls the corresponding methods |
CLuaScriptingManager | |
CLuminousComponent | Handles all light related functionality |
CMeshComponent | Handles all light related functionality |
CMeshStriderCollisionShapeData | |
CMouseListener | Monitors buttonpresses and sends the corresponding messages to the "Mouse" message channel |
CMovableText | |
CMovableTextComponent | Handles all light related functionality |
CNetworkController | This class performs and provides various methods to the engine for the network |
CNetworkErrors | |
CNetworkMailbox | Extracts the contents of incoming messages on the "Network" channel and calls the corresponding methods |
CNetworkManager | |
CObjectController | It administers all GameObjects and their GOComponents |
CObjectMailbox | Extracts the contents of incoming messages on the "Object" channel and calls the corresponding methods |
CObjectManager | |
CParticleComponent | Handles all light related functionality |
CPeriodicRaytest | Informations for periodic raytests |
CPhysicsController | Controls the physics world |
CPhysicsMailbox | Handles the incoming messages on the physic channel and calls the corresponding methods |
CPhysicsManager | |
CPhysicsNode | Represents the physical state of an object simulated by the Bullet library. Contains the btTransform and a pointer to the associated rigidBody |
CPhysicsVelocityComponent | Handles calculation of air friction |
CPythonScriptingController | Controls the scripting |
CPythonScriptingMailbox | Handles the incoming messages on the scripting channel and calls the corresponding methods |
CPythonScriptingManager | |
CResourceManager | This class is responsible for loading all required resources into memory |
CTerrain | Saves all Terrain-specific things |
CWavFile | Parsed wave file |
►Nutils | |
►Nexceptions | |
CApiException | Occurs when the engine detects a programmer's error |
CExceptionQueue | Implements a queue that supports multiple producers but only one consumer |
Ci6exception | Base type for custom exceptions |
Cloginfo | Internal data structure for exceptions |
CMessageException | Occurs when a wrong message is detected |
CSubsystemException | Non-fatal, potentially reparable exception within a single subsystem |
CSystemFailureException | Critical exception that cannot be repaired by a single subsystem |
CAutoUpdater | |
CClock | |
CDoubleBufferQueue | |
CFuture | Class for returning a result before it is ready |
CHints | |
CRandom | Creates random numbers |
►CRangedMap | |
Citerator | |
CRealTimeClock | |
CSemaphore | |
Csequence_map | A map with linear access time and an iterator iterating through the elements in creation time. This map is intended for fast accessing complexity with preserving insertion order
Operation | Time | Desc. |
Insert | O(1) | |
Access | O(1) | |
erase(key) | O(n) | maybe improvable when storing iterators not pointers |
erase(iterator) | O(n) | O(1) as soon as stdlib++ allows const_iterator in erase (bug) |
CsharedPtr | A shared pointer counting references and adds objects being not referenced any more to an internal list required external call of clear to delete all objects, no automatic deletion to stay threadsafe T = type of the pointer, U = base type of the pointer |
CsharedPtrWrapper | Struct handling threadsafe destruction of the wrapped pointer |
CSingleton | Derive from this templated class to make a class a singleton. Refer to the Singleton Design Pattern if it is not clear what a singleton is. Declare the ctor private but destructor public (because of destruction is handled by shared_ptr) T = type of new Singleton class Dependencies = dependencies of this Singleton, will be initialized before this Singleton is initialized and destroyed after this one is destroyed |
CSplash | Opens and displays JPEG (Linux) or BMP (Windows) images as splash screens |
CweakPtr | A weak pointer observing a sharedPtr |
▼Ni6engine | |