i6engine  1.0




class  AnimatedDirectionalLightComponent
 Tells the engine that this GameObject is emitting light. For creating a AnimatedDirectionalLightComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
directionDuration no int duration of one direction interpolation cycle yes
directionKey_<timePoint> no Vec3 direction at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) yes
class  AnimatedLuminousAppearanceComponent
 interpolates light colours and attenuation (e.g. range) For creating a AnimatedLuminousAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
diffuseDuration no int duration of one diffuse interpolation cycle yes
diffuseKey_<timePoint> no Vec3 diffuse colour at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) yes
specularDuration no int duration of one specular interpolation cycle yes
specularKey_<timePoint> no Vec3 specular colour at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) yes
attenuationDuration no int duration of one attenuation interpolation cycle yes
attenuationKey_<timePoint> no Vec4 attenuation at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) yes
class  AnimatedSpotLightComponent
 Tells the engine that this GameObject is emitting light. For creating a AnimatedSpotLightComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
directionDuration no int duration of one direction interpolation cycle yes
directionKey_<timePoint> no Vec3 direction at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) yes
innerRangeDuration no int duration of one inner range interpolation cycle yes
innerRangeKey_<timePoint> no double inner range at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) yes
outerRangeDuration no int duration of one outer range interpolation cycle yes
outerRangeKey_<timePoint> no double outer range at timePoint encoded in name (timePoint between 0 and 1) yes
class  AnimationControllerComponent
 Stores different animation events for animations and registers them again when starting an animation. More...
class  Application
 Interface for the game developer. More...
class  AudioFacade
class  BillboardComponent
 Tells the engine what billboard to show For creating a BillboardComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
material yes std::string Material used for the Billboard yes
width yes double relative width yes
height yes double relative height yes
origin yes int one of BillboardOrigin's int values yes
class  CameraComponent
 Attaches a camera to an object. The Camera will follow the object For creating a CameraComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
pos yes Vec3 relative position of camera to SceneNode yes
lookAt yes Vec3 absolute look at position in the world yes
nearclip yes double near clipping distance yes
aspect no double aspect ration of the camera yes
viewport no bool defines whether this camera has a viewport or not yes
zOrder *) int relative position on the screen depending on other viewports (has to be unique), *) required when viewport true yes
vp_left *) double left startpoint of the viewport, value between 0 and 1, *) required when viewport true yes
vp_top *) double uppper startpoint of the viewport, value between 0 and 1, *) required when viewport true yes
vp_width *) double width of the viewport, value between 0 and 1, *) required when viewport true yes
vp_height *) double height of the viewport, value between 0 and 1, *) required when viewport true yes
vp_red *) double red part of the viewports background colour, *) required when viewport true yes
vp_green *) double green part of the viewports background colour, *) required when viewport true yes
vp_blue *) double blue part of the viewports background colour, *) required when viewport true yes
vp_alpha *) double alpha part of the viewports background colour, *) required when viewport true yes
struct  CollisionGroup
 struct containing the collision info for an object More...
class  Component
 Component Base Class. All Components must derive from Component. More...
class  EngineController
 This class is used as the Controller for the whole engine Create an instance of this class and use the functions to start / stop / ... the Engine. More...
class  FollowComponent
 Component for objects following another one (e.g. projectiles) For creating a FollowComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
targetID yes int64_t id of the GameObject that should be followed yes
speed yes double speed in meters / second yes
class  GameObject
 Class representing a GameObject in the i6engine. More...
class  GraphicsFacade
class  GUIFacade
 This class manages the GUIWindows and provides some general API methods that aren't related to a special window. More...
class  GUIWidget
 Superclass for all GUI widgets. More...
class  IDManager
 handles IDs for GameObjects More...
class  InputFacade
class  LanguageManager
 handles the current language of the Game a change of the language notifies all registered callbacks More...
class  LifetimeComponent
 destroys the owning game object after given lifetime For creating a LifetimeComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
lifetime yes uint64_t time until this GameObject will be destroyed yes
class  LineComponent
 creates a line in a given colour For creating a LineComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
startPos yes Vec3 start position of the line yes
endPos yes Vec3 end position of the line yes
colour yes Vec3 colour of the line yes
class  LuminousAppearanceComponent
 Tells the engine that this GameObject is emitting light. For creating a LuminousAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
lightType yes int one of the LightTypes yes
diffuseColor yes Vec3 diffuse colour of the light yes
specularColor yes Vec3 specular colour of the light yes
attenuation yes Vec4 attenuation of the light, W = range (range in world units), X = constant (1.0 never attenuate, 0.0 complete attenuation), Y = linear (linear attenuation depending on distance), Z = quadratic factor yes
pos no Vec3 relative position to SceneNode yes
direction *) Vec3 direction of the light shaft, *) required if lightType is DIRECTIONAL or SPOT yes
spotLightRangeInner *) double range of the inner cone of a spot light in degree, *) required if lightType is SPOT yes
spotLightRangeOuter *) double range of the outer cone of a spot light in degree, *) required if lightType is SPOT yes
class  MeshAppearanceComponent
 Tells the engine what model/mesh to use when rendering the GameObject. For creating a MeshAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
mesh yes std::string mesh file yes
visibility no bool is this mesh visible or not, default is true yes
pos yes Vec3 relative position to SceneNode yes
rot yes Vec3 relative rotation to SceneNode yes
scale yes Vec3 relative scale to SceneNode yes
material no std::string optional change of the material on the mesh yes
shadowCasting no bool defines whether a mesh casts shadows or not, default is true yes
class  MessagingFacade
class  MovableTextComponent
 shows a text above a mesh For creating a MovableTextComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
font yes std::string font used for this Text yes
text yes std::string the text shown above the GameObject yes
size yes double font size yes
colour yes Vec3 colour of the text yes
class  MoveComponent
 Component used for moving through the world requires both, a MovementComponent and a NavigationComponent to know how to move and get the route. More...
class  MovementComponent
 base class for Movement components More...
class  MoverCircleComponent
 moves an object around a point in a circular way For creating a MoverCircleComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
pos yes Vec3 center of the circle yes
axis yes Vec3 axis around which the mover should circle yes
radius yes double radius of the circle yes
realCenterPos no Vec3 the real start pos of the circle no
class  MoverComponent
 This component let's the Object move through the world automatically on fixed paths Use addKeyFrame() to add new keyframes (specific positions in the world) Than call start to start the moving. This component will move the object during each tick. You can control the behaviour by defining a mode, a way and the way of positioning. Consult the enum definitions for a detailed description This Component will soon be split into several subclasses for different Ways. For creating a MoverComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
duration yes uint64_t Duration of one movement cycle yes
positioning yes short Absolute or relative positioning yes
continue no "true" continues movement instead of starting no
startTime *) uint64_t *) required when continue set to synchronize time no
lastPos no Vec3 the last position of the circle no
linkable no bool should colliding objects (with correct flags) be linked to this mover and moved with it yes
started yes bool should this mover start directly yes
class  MoverInterpolateComponent
 moving an object interpolating in some way For creating a MoverInterpolateComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
way yes short How are the frames interpolated, one of enum entries of Way yes
mode yes short In which order the frames will be processed yes
direction yes bool Direction of this mover, true is forward, false is backward yes
openTime *) uint64_t time mover stays at end position before moving backwards, *) required when mode is TWOSTATE_OPENTIME yes
keyframes yes int number of keyframes to follow yes
keyframe__pos *) vector position of i-th keyframe, *) required for all keyframes yes
keyframe__rot *) quaternion rotation of i-th keyframe, *) required for all keyframes yes
class  MovingCameraComponent
 Attaches a moving camera to an object. This camera will follow the object in a more sophisticated way. More...
class  NavigationComponent
 Used for navigation between points. More...
class  NetworkFacade
class  NetworkSenderComponent
 defines that this gameobject shall be synchronised over network More...
class  ObjectFacade
class  ParticleEmitterComponent
 Emits Particles For creating a ParticleEmitterComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
particleEmitter yes std::string The emitter for the particle yes
pos no Vec3 relative position to SceneNode yes
fadeOut no bool if set to true, the particle isn't removed immediately but emitters are stopped and so the particle fades out yes
fadeOutCooldown *) uint64_t time after stopping emitters until particle will be destroyed, *) required if fadeOut is set yes
class  PhysicalStateComponent
 Represents an object's physical state and synchronizes with the Physics subsystem. For creating a PhysicalStateComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
syncPrio no int priority from which upwards updates should be sent through network yes
gravity no Vec3 gravity for this object. Replaces default yes
pos yes Vec3 position of the SceneNode yes
rot yes Quaternion rotation of the SceneNode yes
scale yes Vec3 scale of the SceneNode yes
collisionGroup yes int int int ResponseType CrashType CrashMask yes
shapeType yes int one of the shapeTypes from ShapeType enum yes
shatterInterest yes int one of the shatterInterests from ShatterInterest enum yes
compound yes bool should this PSC be used as a compound shape together with other ones of this GameObject yes
class  PhysicsFacade
 Physics specific functions for the game which targets the whole world - not a single object. More...
class  Point2PointConstraintComponent
 Connects two PhysicalStateComponents in a point RELATIVE to their origin For creating a Point2PointConstraintComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
selfIdentifier yes std::string identifier for this constraint component, must be unique over the complete game yes
targetIdentifier yes std::string identifier of the constraint this component is connected to yes
selfOffset yes Vec3 offset on which this constraint is connected relative to origin yes
targetOffset yes Vec3 offset on which target constraint is connected relative to its origin yes
breakingImpulse no double impulse that is necessary to break connection, not breakable if not set yes
struct  RayTestResult
 struct containing information from raytest objID: id of GO hit first by the ray sourceID: id of the soure GO collisionPoint: hit point More...
class  ScriptingFacade
class  ShatterComponent
 This class is needed on every GameObject with: TRIGGER The shatter() method is called for detected collisions. More...
class  SoundComponent
 Attaches a sound node to an object. The Sound will follow the object For creating a SoundComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
offset yes Vec3 offset to the position of the PhysicalStateComponent this Component is connected to yes
direction yes Vec3 direction of the sound yes
file yes std::string sound file for this sound, currently only wav is supported yes
looping yes bool is this sound looping or only played once yes
maxDist yes double maxmimum distance this sound should be hearable, volume is interpolated yes
cache yes bool if set to true, this sound is cached in memory and mustn't be loaded from harddisk every time it is played yes
category no std::string specifies the category this sound belongs to, e.g. music, effect, dialog, default value is empty string yes
class  SoundListenerComponent
 Attaches a sound listener to an object. The Listener will follow the object. More...
class  SpawnpointComponent
 Only defines this object as a spawnpoint For creating a SpawnpointComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
spawntypes yes std::string GameObject types being spawnable at this Spawnpoint, separated by delimitter ; yes
class  StaticStateComponent
 Makes it possible to place a static GameObject For creating a StaticStateComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
pos yes Vec3 position of the SceneNode yes
rot yes Quaternion rotation of the SceneNode yes
scale yes Vec3 scale of the SceneNode yes
class  TerrainAppearanceComponent
 Tells the engine what heightmap and texture to use when rendering the GameObject. For creating a TerrainAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
heightmap yes std::string heightmap used for this terrain, either this or heightdata required, if both are provided, heightdata is used yes
heightdata yes std::vector<std::vector<double>> heightdata used for this terrain, either this or heightmap required, if both are provided, heightdata is used yes
size yes double expansion of the terrain yes
inputScale yes double scale factor for the terrain heights, highest point of heightmap gets this height yes
vertices yes uint32_t vertices along an edge, must be 2^n + 1 yes
layers yes uint32_t amount of layers on the terrain yes
minX yes int64_t minimum X for duplicates of the terrain yes
maxX yes int64_t maximum X for duplicates of the terrain yes
minY yes int64_t maximum Y for duplicates of the terrain yes
maxY yes int64_t maximum Y for duplicates of the terrain yes
layer__size yes double size of the texture units for every layer yes
layer__diffusespecular yes std::string diffuse and specular map for every layer yes
layer__normal yes std::string normal and displacement map for every layer yes
layer__minHeight yes double minimum height where this layer shall appear, for every layer except the first yes
layer__fadeDist yes double defines how fast the layers are blend over, for every layer except the first yes
class  TextManager
 handles Texts for the Game More...
class  ToggleWaynetComponent
 Component used to show the waynet. More...
class  VelocityComponent
 Component for objects with more complex velocity handling than just setting an impulse, e.g. a car For creating a VelocityComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
acceleration yes double acceleration of this GameObject, in m / sē yes
deceleration no double breaking acceleration of this GameObject, in m / sē yes
maxSpeed yes double maximum speed this GameObject can reach, in m / s yes
resistanceCoefficient no double resistance coefficient, default: 0.6 yes
windage no double windage of this GameObject, default: 0.8 mē yes
handling no int handling for reaching maximum speed, keep maximum speed or stop acceleration to roll out, default: 0 (= KeepSpeed) yes
class  WaynetManager
 handles the current Waynet More...
class  WaynetNavigationComponent
 Use for navigation by waypoints. More...
class  WaypointComponent
 Represents a Waypoint in the world, containing an identifier and a list of connections For creating a WaypointComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
name yes std::string name of this waypoint yes
connections yes std::string names of the waypoints this one is connected to, seperated by delimitter ; yes


typedef utils::sharedPtr< Component, ComponentComPtr
typedef utils::sharedPtr< GameObject, GameObjectGOPtr
typedef utils::weakPtr< ComponentWeakComPtr
typedef utils::weakPtr< GameObjectWeakGOPtr
typedef boost::function< ComPtr(const int64_t, const attributeMap &)> createGOCCallback
typedef std::tuple< AccessState, std::string, boost::function< std::string(void)>, boost::function< bool(std::string)>, std::string > componentOptions
typedef std::pair< Vec3, QuaternionTransform
typedef std::pair< Vec3, QuaternionkeyFrame
typedef struct i6e::api::RayTestResult RayTestResult
 struct containing information from raytest objID: id of GO hit first by the ray sourceID: id of the soure GO collisionPoint: hit point More...
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > attributeMap
typedef void(* CreateGO) (GOPtr, const attributeMap &)
typedef core::MessageSubscriber MessageSubscriberFacade
typedef core::Message GameMessage
 simple typedef to use in API but leave overhead More...
typedef core::MessageStruct GameMessageStruct
 simple typedef to use it in API but leave overhead of new struct More...
typedef utils::sequence_map< int64_t, ComPtrcomponent_table_t
typedef std::pair< int64_t, ComPtrcomponent_table_pair_t


enum  AddStrategy { AddStrategy::ADD, AddStrategy::REPLACE, AddStrategy::REPLACE_DIS, AddStrategy::REJECT }
 defines how new components should be handled More...
enum  AccessState { AccessState::READONLY, AccessState::READWRITE }
 defines the access state of the components objects More...
enum  ComponentOptionsParameter {
 enum for easy access of the parameters in the std::tuple More...
enum  ShatterInterest : uint16_t { NONE, START, END, ALWAYS }
 Different flags for collision interest. More...
enum  GameType { GameType::SINGLEPLAYER, GameType::CLIENT, GameType::SERVER }


template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::is_enum< T >::value &&!std::is_fundamental< T >::value, void >::type parseAttribute (attributeMap::const_iterator it, T &value)
 converts a string to enum value More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum< T >::value &&!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&detail::constructible_from< T, const std::string & >::value, void >::type parseAttribute (attributeMap::const_iterator it, T &value)
 converts a string to a class using T(const std::string &) constructor More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum< T >::value &&!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&!detail::constructible_from< T, const std::string & >::value, void >::type parseAttribute (attributeMap::const_iterator it, T &value)
 converts a string to a class using boost::serialization (used if no T(const std::string &) constructor is available) More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum< T >::value &&std::is_fundamental< T >::value, void >::type parseAttribute (attributeMap::const_iterator it, T &value)
 converts a string to a fundamental type using boost::lexical_cast More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if< std::is_enum< T >::value &&!std::is_fundamental< T >::value, void >::type writeAttribute (attributeMap &params, const std::string &entry, const T &value)
 writes into an attributeMap More...
template<bool Required, typename T >
std::enable_if< Required, void >::type parseAttribute (const attributeMap &params, const std::string &entry, T &value)
 parses a value from attribute map into a variable with possibility to throw exception, if entry not available More...
template<bool Required, typename T >
std::enable_if<!Required, void >::type parseAttribute (const attributeMap &params, const std::string &entry, T &value)
 parses an optional value from attribute map into a variable More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum< T >::value &&!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, std::string >::value &&detail::hasInsertInMap< T >::value, void >::type writeAttribute (attributeMap &params, const std::string &entry, T value)
 writes a class providing the method insertInMap More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum< T >::value &&!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&(std::is_same< T, std::string >::value||std::is_same< const char, typename std::remove_pointer< T >::type >::value), void >::type writeAttribute (attributeMap &params, const std::string &entry, T value)
 writes a string as is More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum< T >::value &&std::is_fundamental< T >::value, void >::type writeAttribute (attributeMap &params, const std::string &entry, T value)
 writes a fundamental type to the map using std::to_string More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum< T >::value &&!std::is_fundamental< T >::value &&!std::is_same< T, std::string >::value &&!std::is_same< const char, typename std::remove_pointer< T >::type >::value &&!detail::hasInsertInMap< T >::value, void >::type writeAttribute (attributeMap &params, const std::string &entry, T value)
 writes a class not providing the method insertInMap, so it uses boost::serialization to convert to a string More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> i6e::api::attributeMap

Definition at line 42 of file attributeMap.h.

typedef std::pair<int64_t, ComPtr> i6e::api::component_table_pair_t

Definition at line 54 of file GameObject.h.

Definition at line 53 of file GameObject.h.

typedef std::tuple<AccessState, std::string, boost::function<std::string(void)>, boost::function<bool(std::string)>, std::string> i6e::api::componentOptions

Definition at line 91 of file Component.h.

Definition at line 52 of file Component.h.

typedef void(* i6e::api::CreateGO) (GOPtr, const attributeMap &)

Definition at line 49 of file ObjectConfig.h.

typedef boost::function< ComPtr(const int64_t, const attributeMap &)> i6e::api::createGOCCallback

A pointer to a function which creates a new Components

See also

Definition at line 58 of file Component.h.

simple typedef to use in API but leave overhead

Definition at line 36 of file GameMessage.h.

simple typedef to use it in API but leave overhead of new struct

Definition at line 36 of file GameMessageStruct.h.

Definition at line 55 of file Component.h.

typedef std::pair<Vec3, Quaternion> i6e::api::keyFrame

Definition at line 38 of file MoverComponent.h.

struct containing information from raytest objID: id of GO hit first by the ray sourceID: id of the soure GO collisionPoint: hit point

typedef std::pair<Vec3, Quaternion> i6e::api::Transform

Definition at line 49 of file MeshAppearanceComponent.h.

Definition at line 56 of file Component.h.

Definition at line 57 of file Component.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_fundamental<T>::value, void>::type i6e::api::parseAttribute ( attributeMap::const_iterator  it,
T &  value 

converts a string to enum value

Definition at line 76 of file attributeMap.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_fundamental<T>::value && detail::constructible_from<T, const std::string &>::value, void>::type i6e::api::parseAttribute ( attributeMap::const_iterator  it,
T &  value 

converts a string to a class using T(const std::string &) constructor

Definition at line 84 of file attributeMap.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_fundamental<T>::value && !detail::constructible_from<T, const std::string &>::value, void>::type i6e::api::parseAttribute ( attributeMap::const_iterator  it,
T &  value 

converts a string to a class using boost::serialization (used if no T(const std::string &) constructor is available)

Definition at line 92 of file attributeMap.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum<T>::value && std::is_fundamental<T>::value, void>::type i6e::api::parseAttribute ( attributeMap::const_iterator  it,
T &  value 

converts a string to a fundamental type using boost::lexical_cast

Definition at line 102 of file attributeMap.h.

template<bool Required, typename T >
std::enable_if<Required, void>::type i6e::api::parseAttribute ( const attributeMap params,
const std::string &  entry,
T &  value 

parses a value from attribute map into a variable with possibility to throw exception, if entry not available

Definition at line 118 of file attributeMap.h.

template<bool Required, typename T >
std::enable_if<!Required, void>::type i6e::api::parseAttribute ( const attributeMap params,
const std::string &  entry,
T &  value 

parses an optional value from attribute map into a variable

Definition at line 131 of file attributeMap.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_fundamental<T>::value, void>::type i6e::api::writeAttribute ( attributeMap params,
const std::string &  entry,
const T &  value 

writes into an attributeMap

Definition at line 110 of file attributeMap.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_fundamental<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, std::string>::value && detail::hasInsertInMap<T>::value, void>::type i6e::api::writeAttribute ( attributeMap params,
const std::string &  entry,

writes a class providing the method insertInMap

Definition at line 142 of file attributeMap.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_fundamental<T>::value && (std::is_same<T, std::string>::value || std::is_same<const char, typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value), void>::type i6e::api::writeAttribute ( attributeMap params,
const std::string &  entry,

writes a string as is

Definition at line 150 of file attributeMap.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum<T>::value && std::is_fundamental<T>::value, void>::type i6e::api::writeAttribute ( attributeMap params,
const std::string &  entry,

writes a fundamental type to the map using std::to_string

Definition at line 158 of file attributeMap.h.

template<typename T >
std::enable_if<!std::is_enum<T>::value && !std::is_fundamental<T>::value && !std::is_same<T, std::string>::value && !std::is_same<const char, typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value && !detail::hasInsertInMap<T>::value, void>::type i6e::api::writeAttribute ( attributeMap params,
const std::string &  entry,

writes a class not providing the method insertInMap, so it uses boost::serialization to convert to a string

Definition at line 166 of file attributeMap.h.