i6engine  1.0
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Ci6e::modules::AudioMailboxHandles the incoming messages on the audio channel and calls the corresponding methods
 Ci6e::modules::AudioNodeOne sound
 Ci6e::utils::AutoUpdater< T >
 Ci6e::modules::BillboardComponentHandles all light related functionality
 Ci6e::modules::BoundingBoxComponentHandles all light related functionality
 Ci6e::modules::CameraComponentHandles all light related functionality
 Ci6e::api::CollisionGroupStruct containing the collision info for an object
 Ci6e::api::ComponentComponent Base Class. All Components must derive from Component
 Ci6e::modules::ComponentFactoryFactory in order to create Component
 Ci6e::api::detail::constructible_from< type, Args >
 Ci6e::utils::DoubleBufferQueue< T, producer, consumer >
 Ci6e::utils::DoubleBufferQueue< i6e::core::Message::Ptr, true, false >
 Ci6e::utils::DoubleBufferQueue< std::function< void(void)>, true, false >
 Ci6e::core::EngineCoreControllerThis class is used as an abstraction layer
 Ci6e::utils::Future< T >Class for returning a result before it is ready
 Ci6e::api::GameObjectClass representing a GameObject in the i6engine
 Ci6e::modules::GOFactoryFactory in order to create GameObjects
 Ci6e::api::objects::GOTemplateInternal representation of all GameObject templates
 Ci6e::api::objects::GOTemplateComponentInternal representation of a Component within a GameObject template
 Ci6e::modules::GraphicsMailboxExtracts the contents of incoming messages on the "Graphics" channel and calls the corresponding methods of the graphics subsystem
 Ci6e::modules::GraphicsNodeSaves all graphics-related data associated with one GameObject
 Ci6e::modules::GUICanvasThis class provides method to load a canvas file
 Ci6e::api::GUIFacadeThis class manages the GUIWindows and provides some general API methods that aren't related to a special window
 Ci6e::modules::GUIFactoryThis class provides methods for creating different kinds of GUI elements
 Ci6e::modules::GUIMailboxExtracts the contents of incoming messages on the "Gui" channel and calls the corresponding methods of the gui subsystem
 Ci6e::modules::GUIManagerThis class interacts with CEGUI. It's methods are executed in the OGRE / CEGUI thread
 Ci6e::api::GUIWidgetSuperclass for all GUI widgets
 Ci6e::api::detail::hasInsertInMap< T >
 Ci6e::math::i6eMatrix< T >Implements m x n matrix
 Ci6e::math::i6eQuaternionClass describing a 3d rotation
 Ci6e::math::i6eVectorImplements 3-dimensional vectors
 Ci6e::math::i6eVector2< T >Implements 2-dimensional vectors
 Ci6e::math::i6eVector2< float >
 Ci6e::math::i6eVector4Implements 4-dimensional vectors
 Ci6e::api::IDManagerHandles IDs for GameObjects
 Ci6e::modules::InputMailboxDispatches all messages received by input subsystem
 Ci6e::utils::RangedMap< Key, Value >::iterator
 Ci6e::core::Scheduler< ClockUpdater >::JobThis struct represents a single timer event
 Ci6e::api::LanguageManagerHandles the current language of the Game a change of the language notifies all registered callbacks
 Ci6e::modules::LineComponentHandles all light related functionality
 Ci6e::utils::exceptions::loginfoInternal data structure for exceptions
 Ci6e::modules::LuaScriptingMailboxHandles the incoming messages on the scripting channel and calls the corresponding methods
 Ci6e::modules::LuminousComponentHandles all light related functionality
 Ci6e::modules::MeshComponentHandles all light related functionality
 Ci6e::core::MessageClass representing a message to be sent
 Ci6e::core::MessageSubscriberInterface for every class that wants to subscribe to the messaging system
 Ci6e::core::MessagingControllerCentral controller for messaging between subsystems and subsystems of different clients
 Ci6e::modules::MovableTextComponentHandles all light related functionality
 Ci6e::modules::NetworkMailboxExtracts the contents of incoming messages on the "Network" channel and calls the corresponding methods
 Ci6e::modules::ObjectMailboxExtracts the contents of incoming messages on the "Object" channel and calls the corresponding methods
 Ci6e::modules::ParticleComponentHandles all light related functionality
 Ci6e::modules::PeriodicRaytestInformations for periodic raytests
 Ci6e::api::PhysicsFacadePhysics specific functions for the game which targets the whole world - not a single object
 Ci6e::modules::PhysicsMailboxHandles the incoming messages on the physic channel and calls the corresponding methods
 Ci6e::modules::PhysicsVelocityComponentHandles calculation of air friction
 Ci6e::modules::PythonScriptingMailboxHandles the incoming messages on the scripting channel and calls the corresponding methods
 Ci6e::utils::RangedMap< Key, Value >
 Ci6e::api::RayTestResultStruct containing information from raytest objID: id of GO hit first by the ray sourceID: id of the soure GO collisionPoint: hit point
 Ci6e::core::ReceivedMessageReceived message within a MessageSubscriber
 Ci6e::modules::ResourceManagerThis class is responsible for loading all required resources into memory
 Ci6e::core::Scheduler< ClockUpdater >
 Ci6e::core::Scheduler< utils::RealTimeClock >
 Ci6e::utils::sequence_map< KeyType, ValueType, Hash >A map with linear access time and an iterator iterating through the elements in creation time. This map is intended for fast accessing complexity with preserving insertion order

Operation Time Desc.
Insert O(1)
Access O(1)
erase(key) O(n) maybe improvable when storing iterators not pointers
erase(iterator) O(n) O(1) as soon as stdlib++ allows const_iterator in erase (bug)
 Ci6e::utils::sequence_map< int64_t, api::WeakComPtr >
 Ci6e::utils::sequence_map< int64_t, ComPtr >
 Ci6e::api::detail::hasInsertInMap< T >::SFINAE< U, const >
 Ci6e::utils::sharedPtr< T, U >A shared pointer counting references and adds objects being not referenced any more to an internal list required external call of clear to delete all objects, no automatic deletion to stay threadsafe T = type of the pointer, U = base type of the pointer
 Ci6e::utils::sharedPtrWrapper< T >Struct handling threadsafe destruction of the wrapped pointer
 Ci6e::utils::Singleton< T, Dependencies >Derive from this templated class to make a class a singleton. Refer to the Singleton Design Pattern if it is not clear what a singleton is. Declare the ctor private but destructor public (because of destruction is handled by shared_ptr) T = type of new Singleton class Dependencies = dependencies of this Singleton, will be initialized before this Singleton is initialized and destroyed after this one is destroyed
 Ci6e::utils::Singleton< EngineController, utils::exceptions::ExceptionQueue >
 Ci6e::utils::Singleton< ExceptionQueue >
 Ci6e::utils::Singleton< Random >
 Ci6e::utils::SplashOpens and displays JPEG (Linux) or BMP (Windows) images as splash screens
 Ci6e::core::SubSystemControllerThis class is used as an abstraction layer
 Ci6e::modules::TerrainSaves all Terrain-specific things
 Ci6e::api::TextManagerHandles Texts for the Game
 Ci6e::core::TimerThis class provides gametime-synchronized Timers. They are controlled by the Scheduler
 Ci6e::modules::WavFileParsed wave file
 Ci6e::api::WaynetManagerHandles the current Waynet
 Ci6e::utils::weakPtr< T, Base >A weak pointer observing a sharedPtr
 Ci6e::utils::weakPtr< api::MeshAppearanceComponent, api::Component >
 Ci6e::utils::weakPtr< api::PhysicalStateComponent, api::Component >
 Ci6e::utils::weakPtr< Component >
 Ci6e::utils::weakPtr< GameObject >
 Ci6e::utils::weakPtr< i6e::api::MeshAppearanceComponent, i6e::api::Component >
 Ci6e::utils::weakPtr< i6e::api::MovementComponent, i6e::api::Component >
 Ci6e::utils::weakPtr< i6e::api::PhysicalStateComponent, i6e::api::Component >
 Ci6e::utils::weakPtr< i6e::api::VelocityComponent, i6e::api::Component >