i6engine  1.0

Documentation for macros

These lists contain all important macros.

Object-like macros

Name Defined in file Brief description
ISIXE_API i6eSystemParameters.h This macro contains a compiler directive. It should be written after each class declaration if this class should be exported later.
ISIXE_MODE i6eSystemParameters.h Is defined either as '1' when running in Debug mode or as '2' when running in Release mode.
ISIXE_MPLATFORM i6eSystemParameters.h Is defined either as '1' when running in a MS Windows environment or as '2' when running in a Linux environment.

Function-like macros

Name Defined in file Brief description
ISIXE_LOG_<X>("Module", "Message") Logger.h This macro is used for the controlled output of error / info / warning / debug messages. X stands for the logging level and can be one of: 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'FATAL'. For example: ISIXE_LOG_WARN("PhysicsController", "Erratic Gravity!")
ISIXE_LOG_SETLEVEL(level) Logger.h Sets the new LogLevel (i6utils::Logger::LogLevel). Everything at least as important as 'level' is logged. For example: ISIXE_LOG_SETLEVEL(i6utils::Logger::INFO)
ISIXE_REGISTERMESSAGETYPE(strMessageTypeName, ptrMessageMethod) MessagingController.h This macro should be used to register message types at the MessagingController. Have a look at its class description to get more information.
ISIXE_UNREGISTERMESSAGETYPE(strMessageTypeName) MessagingController.h Deletes a registration of a message type. Have a look at the MessagingController class description to get more information.