Stadia shutting down

What you need to know about our games due to the Stadia shutdown?

You might already have seen the announcement that Stadia will shut down in January 2023. That means you can’t buy our games anymore on Stadia now and only play them there until January.

If you played our games Elemental War 2 or Tri6: Infinite and want to buy it again on any other platform you can take over all your unlocks to the other versions as long as you created a Clockwork account. The only thing you lose is your current run in Elemental War 2 and of course your game settings. But all items/unlocks/quests and so on will be synced, so you don’t have to start from scratch again.

For the future that means there will of course be no Elemental War on Stadia. That’s really bad for us as the time to port already was invested, so that’s a loss for us know. Not speaking of revenue we planned with next year for the new games that now doesn’t exist anymore.

We had a good time with Stadia community and hope you will join us on some other platform for our next games.

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