Elemental War 0.9.18

Just two weeks left until the full release of Elemental War. Almost done!


We’ll leave specific highlights out this time as there is no big new stuff this time. In 0.9.18 we fixed a lot of bugs, partially they are related to the newly introduced achievements, but there is also other stuff. The Steam and Smoke tower got their smoke/steam highlighted which didn’t look that good, so we removed it. Selling multiple towers was broken for a while now and on Mac the element buttons were invisible when starting a game and before hovering them the first time.
There was way more than this, but these are some highlights.

On the feature side we made the score rank achievements to progress achievements so you can see your progress no reaching them in the Steam achievement view. This was already part of the hotfix for 0.9.17. We also added more monster sounds, so every monster now has a sound that is randomly played while it’s on the map.

Full changelog


  • score rank achievements are progress achievements now on Steam
  • added remaining monster sounds


  • fixed conditions for achievements ‚Man of Steel‘, ‚Combiner‘ and ‚3 in 1‘
  • path preview for challenges now looks better
  • score rank achievement isn’t triggered on every start anymore
  • reduced flickering of HP bar of monsters with regeneration
  • tried another minimap fix for Linux
  • fixed bug that caused element buttons to be inivisible at first on Mac
  • fixed target cursor sometimes being active in highscore panel
  • fixed rare bug that caused leaving the highscore menu sometimes not to work properly
  • tower build achievements aren’t unlocked anymore in benchmark
  • fixed unlocking of Completionist also happening when just restarting the game often enough
  • fire of Smoke tower isn’t highlighted anymore
  • it’s possible again to sell multiple towers at once
  • steam of Steam tower isn’t highlighted anymore

What’s next?

The next two weeks we will have to prepare some stuff for the release, especially for the release party on July 19th. It will be in Nuremberg, Germany in the „Haus des Spiels“. If you’re in Nuremberg that evening, step by and talk to us.

Of course we’re still testing the game to find also the last bugs and we also will add some new quests for release to unlock even more cool items.

If you have any balancing concerns or bugs, please let us know, either as comment, in the discussions, via the Feedback functionality ingame or on Discord.

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