Elemental War 1.0.4

Update 4 for Elemental War is ready to be played now. This time have a few bugfixes and improvements mostly for quests and challenges. We also added more of your feedback like timestamps in the alliance chat or an optional grid on the map.

Update 4 for Elemental War is ready to be played now. This time have a few bugfixes and improvements mostly for quests and challenges. We also added more of your feedback like timestamps in the alliance chat or an optional grid on the map.

We’re still getting a lot of feedback and have some more updates plannend. And in September you can expect a big update introducing Co-op for Classic and Survival Mode!

Full changelog


  • increased limit of chat messages in lobby
  • added hint to multiplayer menu that one can look for other players in the Steam discussions or on Discord
  • it’s possible now in multiplayer to give money to teammates
  • added hint how chat in multiplayer works
  • map description now is saved in Editor
  • added timestamp to alliance chat
  • added optional grid on the map (game settings)


  • increased dps of Steam and Smoke tower
  • reduced explosion damage of Gas Bubbles


  • pressing RB/LB on controller while B is hold now keeps camera rotation
  • kills via status change now also count for the tower that caused it
  • changing alliance name works again
  • chat messages now stay visible for a longer time
  • typing chat message now doesn’t trigger spawner anymore
  • when a player leaves the lobby his skills now are disabled too
  • new highscore notification for challenges now only appears when the score is better than the previous challenge score
  • improved performance on Island environment
  • alliance rank change news now contains the info, that it is for alliance
  • challenges now can also be created when the start day is in the next month
  • create challenge button now is removed when creating a multiplayer challenge and being already in challenge menu
  • it’s now possible to create a new singleplayer challenge while one is running
  • added highlighting to mushrooms for Witch Cauldron quest when hovering them
  • in multiplayer only the monster sounds for monsters close enough (field currently observed) are played
  • apostrophe now is always correctly displayed in chat messages in alliance
  • projectiles now still fly to the target position and deal splash damage if the tower has it even though the target monster isn’t there anymore
  • clicking on Play Challenge for a multiplayer challenge now opens multiplayer menu
  • improved spacing of chat messages in alliance
  • reset password working again
  • fixed condition for Gold Fever quest
  • fixed typo in English translation of Time Bombs quest
  • fixed Transform tower chance to transform
  • logout now disables the region selection

If you have any balancing concerns or bugs, please let us know, either as comment, in the discussions, via the Feedback functionality ingame or on Discord​.

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