Red Skies: Ascension – Weekly Question #2

As announced in our last progress report we’re releasing a new poll for Red Skies: Ascension every two weeks. The first two weeks are over now, so it’s evaluation time!

As announced in our last progress report we’re releasing a new poll for Red Skies: Ascension every two weeks. The first two weeks are over now, so it’s evaluation time!

Evaluation of Weekly Question #1: What is most important to you in games?

Here are the results:

  1. Deep dialogues: 29.63% (8 votes)
  2. Gripping story: 25.93% (7 votes)
  3. Dense atmosphere: 22.22% (6 votes)
  4. Intense fighting: 14.81% (4 votes)
  5. Challenging puzzles: 3.7% (1 vote)

Despite the relatively small number of total votes, the trend is obvious: A great story-telling is most important to most of you. I think we can meet your expectations here as we focus on just a few, but memoralizable characters, on environmental story-telling (every place in the Old World will be unique) and an extraordinary story.

To be honest, we had expected the fighting to be more important to you. But as we learned from several discussions, fighting for many of you is just a means to an end. Let’s see if it stays that way when we show the first concrete videos of the fighting system.

In the Gothic forum where we presented the game’s concept, we had some interesting discussions on some game mechanics that could be interesting for you: (in German)

And don’t miss out the second vote on your favourite class for combats:


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