Tri6: Infinite 0.5.0 (Alpha #7)

A long time passed since the last alpha, but now we have a new one for you with a lot of improvements and a big graphics update!

A long time passed since the last alpha, but now we have a new one for you with a lot of improvements and a big graphics update!

For a first look on the new graphics, just check out our new gameplay video we released yesterday. I talk about the current state and the future development there as well.


The new alpha version is available via our Discord. With this update we improved a lot of stuff, added the second vehicle and added a lot of new graphics.


So far only the bike was usable in the alpha and even that one was a placeholder. Now you can use both the bike with a new model and a speeder like vehicle that also uses a new model. Both of them can be seen in the gameplay video above.

Gameplay-wise they feel very different. The bike is smaller and can turn faster, the speeder is wider and turns slower. Therefore the speeder has a better acceleration. The details might need some balancing, but actually it’s fun to play with both of them.

Graphics Update

Not only the vehicles, but almost everything ingame got a huge graphics update. At the moment only the UI, the elctrons and the powerups are placeholders and for the roof proper corner textures are missing. Everything else is done. In my opinion it looks awesome now, we just need a few more obstacles and of course the missing stuff (all menus also are placeholders right now), but we’re on a very good track.

What’s next?

The next steps are to fix and improve gameplay. The vehicles physics are sometimes buggy. Watching the video or playing the alpha you will directly notice that the bike is shaking when it starts driving. That’s one of the issues at the moment.

We also continue work on the graphics. There will be a break in January, but in February we plan to finish the basic work, so everything in the level should be free of placeholders (powerups, electrons, roof and UI). We will also add the third player vehicle as well as the vehicle for the bots.

You can also notice in the gameplay video that there is no sound yet. We’re currently collecting all stuff we need sounds and music for and are going to work on that list in January.

Our goal is to enter beta stage end of February/beginning of March. We’re not sure yet if there will be another alpha version before we enter the beta. This kinda depends on how much feedback we get.

Full changelog


  • missile trails fade out better now
  • added possibility to log out again
  • added possibility to open privacy policy even when logged in
  • collected electrons and scores aren’t lost anymore when having no internet connection when finishing a round
  • added some first graphics (not final yet)
  • added small splitter line for splitscreen to separate players a little visually
  • added loading screen
  • last selected vehicle and color is saved and restored now
  • added linking with Steam account
  • added achievement handling (no achievements yet)
  • added possibility to glide (fall slower) when in air
  • added possibility to stomp directly to the ground when in air
  • added new unit for speed
  • added login hint for first start of the game without being logged in (linked accounts are respected)
  • added new Virus spawner obstacle to spawn bots
  • added some neat graphics
  • added achievements
  • added proper interactions between powerups (e.g. Shock Wave destroys other powerups, Bouncing Ball destroys Mines…)


  • fixed error when leaving game directly from ingame
  • switching from controller to mouse on Finish screen works again
  • camera on respawn better now
  • ramps don’t slow down vehicles anymore
  • fixed navigation in ingame menu that skipped Back to Menu button jumping from login down
  • added missing translation for Time and Speed in German
  • fixed finish screen for split screen
  • finish screen now works properly with controller
  • fixed harder obstacles being used too early
  • restarting game while bike is still being removed hangs up game as bike stays invisible
  • login menu now works again properly with keyboard and controller navigation

To participate in our alpha you need to join our Discord. There we have a section for Tri6: Infinite including the download link and channels for feedback and bug reports.

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