The fifth and last content update brings you the new „Elemental War“ skin set for all three vehicles.
Today we released the fifth skin set for Tri6: Infinite. It’s the Elemental War set you can see in the trailer below. The new skins can also be unlocked for 250 electrons each. The Hermes skin is also available in the demo.
This is the last skin set we will release. Tri6: Infinite is finished now from our side and will only get bugfixes if necessary.
If you want to try out the game first, you can download our free demo via Steam, and in our own launcher Spine.
If you haven’t heard about Tri6: infinite yet, you can find all informations on our homepage:
There you will also find some screenshots, features and more details.
Full changelog
- added skin set „Elemental War“

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.

Check out Tri6: Infinite on Kartridge.