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class | i6e::api::LuminousAppearanceComponent |
| Tells the engine that this GameObject is emitting light. For creating a LuminousAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
lightType | yes | int | one of the LightTypes | yes |
diffuseColor | yes | Vec3 | diffuse colour of the light | yes |
specularColor | yes | Vec3 | specular colour of the light | yes |
attenuation | yes | Vec4 | attenuation of the light, W = range (range in world units), X = constant (1.0 never attenuate, 0.0 complete attenuation), Y = linear (linear attenuation depending on distance), Z = quadratic factor | yes |
pos | no | Vec3 | relative position to SceneNode | yes |
direction | *) | Vec3 | direction of the light shaft, *) required if lightType is DIRECTIONAL or SPOT | yes |
spotLightRangeInner | *) | double | range of the inner cone of a spot light in degree, *) required if lightType is SPOT | yes |
spotLightRangeOuter | *) | double | range of the outer cone of a spot light in degree, *) required if lightType is SPOT | yes |