i6engine  1.0
TerrainAppearanceComponent.h File Reference

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class  i6e::api::TerrainAppearanceComponent
 Tells the engine what heightmap and texture to use when rendering the GameObject. For creating a TerrainAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:

Name Required Type Description Public
heightmap yes std::string heightmap used for this terrain, either this or heightdata required, if both are provided, heightdata is used yes
heightdata yes std::vector<std::vector<double>> heightdata used for this terrain, either this or heightmap required, if both are provided, heightdata is used yes
size yes double expansion of the terrain yes
inputScale yes double scale factor for the terrain heights, highest point of heightmap gets this height yes
vertices yes uint32_t vertices along an edge, must be 2^n + 1 yes
layers yes uint32_t amount of layers on the terrain yes
minX yes int64_t minimum X for duplicates of the terrain yes
maxX yes int64_t maximum X for duplicates of the terrain yes
minY yes int64_t maximum Y for duplicates of the terrain yes
maxY yes int64_t maximum Y for duplicates of the terrain yes
layer__size yes double size of the texture units for every layer yes
layer__diffusespecular yes std::string diffuse and specular map for every layer yes
layer__normal yes std::string normal and displacement map for every layer yes
layer__minHeight yes double minimum height where this layer shall appear, for every layer except the first yes
layer__fadeDist yes double defines how fast the layers are blend over, for every layer except the first yes

