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class | i6e::api::TerrainAppearanceComponent |
| Tells the engine what heightmap and texture to use when rendering the GameObject. For creating a TerrainAppearanceComponent, these keys are possible:
Name | Required | Type | Description | Public |
heightmap | yes | std::string | heightmap used for this terrain, either this or heightdata required, if both are provided, heightdata is used | yes |
heightdata | yes | std::vector<std::vector<double>> | heightdata used for this terrain, either this or heightmap required, if both are provided, heightdata is used | yes |
size | yes | double | expansion of the terrain | yes |
inputScale | yes | double | scale factor for the terrain heights, highest point of heightmap gets this height | yes |
vertices | yes | uint32_t | vertices along an edge, must be 2^n + 1 | yes |
layers | yes | uint32_t | amount of layers on the terrain | yes |
minX | yes | int64_t | minimum X for duplicates of the terrain | yes |
maxX | yes | int64_t | maximum X for duplicates of the terrain | yes |
minY | yes | int64_t | maximum Y for duplicates of the terrain | yes |
maxY | yes | int64_t | maximum Y for duplicates of the terrain | yes |
layer__size | yes | double | size of the texture units for every layer | yes |
layer__diffusespecular | yes | std::string | diffuse and specular map for every layer | yes |
layer__normal | yes | std::string | normal and displacement map for every layer | yes |
layer__minHeight | yes | double | minimum height where this layer shall appear, for every layer except the first | yes |
layer__fadeDist | yes | double | defines how fast the layers are blend over, for every layer except the first | yes |