Today it’s time for a new content update for CyberTD!
The new update adds some quality of life features like a preview of the damage bonus (e.g. when getting a buff depending on the cards in the deck) as well as a monster tooltip to see their actual stats.
We also added a re-roll and ban functionality so you get a little more control over your deck. We hope it will help you reach higher waves more easily.
Also the automatic deck got a lot of improvements and rules, when some cards can drop. That’s probably mostly helpful for challenges as advanced players most certainly will anyway use custom decks. But for those who don’t or play challenges, these improvements will give you way better fitting cards now.
And the new update also contains the new Cartridge DLC! On consoles and Epic store you can just toggle it in the ingame settings, on Steam you have a separate DLC package to enable it.
Besides that there are plenty of other improvements and bugfixes to make CyberTD even better!
Full changelog
- improved dependant card preview in ingame deck
- slightly improved cannon paralysis
- reduced grind to level up
- improved balancing of straight path layout
- added dynamic info screen to show some additional info for some upgrades
- added re-roll functionality
- added ban functionality
- slightly increased default range of Gatling
- added monster tooltip showing health and speed
- improved stats overlay on upgrade screen
- allowed to zoom out further
- fixed display issue in ingame deck menu on resolutions < 16:9
- fixed some usernames not working with scoreboards
- fixed Mac showing Windows button prompts for Ctrl and Alt
- fixed shuffle card preview sometimes being displayed even though card not hovered anymore
- fixed challenge score submitted after the deadline of the previous challenge counting for the next challenge already even though achieved with a different configuration
- fixed maybe level unlocking not working properly in coop when other player quits too early
- fixed Alpha Modulator resistance not being adjusted properly for new waves
- fixed pressing continue with endless mode via controller opening info screen/deck
- fixed some upgrades dropping with automatic deck even though the necessary ability isn’t equipped
- fixed visible LOD on ultra settings
- fixed mutators running async in multiplayer
- fixed wrong deck count being displayed for player 2 in multiplayer
- clicking on deck panel in multiplayer as player 2 opens deck of player 1
- fixed mutator achievements not unlocking in multiplayer
If you have any ideas or wishes what you would like to see in CyberTD, join our Discord and chat with us there. 🙂
Check out the latest trailer
Have fun!

Read more about CyberTD.
CyberTD @ PlayStation Store
CyberTD @ Microsoft Store (PC & Xbox)
CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop Europe
CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop America
CyberTD @ Epic Store