Here is CyberTD 1.0.2 with more bugfixes and improvements!
CyberTD 1.0.2 fixes more bugs to make it an even smoother experience. Most of these issues were more of a cosmetic nature, so some stuff not getting displayed properly. We also slightly improved the speed you level up with, adjusted balancing of three cards and made the infection level visible also on the upgrade screen, so playing the virus zone biome is easier now.
Full changelog
- slightly sped up levelling
- increased rarity of a few upgrades
- added infection level also to upgrade screen
- fixed wrong rank and score being displayed for current challenge in data center
- fixed wrong rank and score being displayed in biome switcher
- fixed wrong percentage being mentioned for virus buffs in challenges
- fixed overload optimization with different buff level for both players breaking in multiplayer
- fixed ViKing abilities not being usable in challenges via UI when abilities are disabled
- fixed jump damage reduction of Cannon having inverted effect
- fixed some rare bugs
- fixed rare PS4 crash
- fixed too high memory consumption on PS4 and Xbox One
What’s going to happen next?
We will continue working on bug reports as they occur and of course the aforementioned disconnect bug.
And of course work on the first content update which is scheduled for mid of November and will introduce two new game modes for you to play already started.
- Endless mode: Proceed after wave 100 and find out how long your build can survive. You won’t be able to choose new upgrades and the viruses will continue getting stronger and bring a few new abilities with them.
- Strategy mode: Instead of all normal waves being random, you get predefined waves like in classic tower defense games, so you always know when which virus with which ability will spawn and can plan ahead.
If you have any ideas or wishes what you would like to see in CyberTD, join our Discord and chat with us there. 🙂
Check out the latest trailer
Have fun!

Read more about CyberTD.
CyberTD @ PlayStation Store
CyberTD @ Microsoft Store (PC & Xbox)
CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop Europe
CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop America
CyberTD @ Epic Store