Elemental War 0.9.11

Already end of March and we have a big release for you even though the changelog looks different!

Already end of March and we have a big release for you even though the changelog looks different!


The multiplayer made good progress as well as the map editor. Here are more details.

Map Editor

This week we have a first release of the map editor for you. It can do almost everything Elemental War supports. The only limitation is that you can’t use T and X crossings yet for single paths. It’s no problem when different paths cross each other.

The maps can be uploaded to our server and Steamworks and then are available for everybody. You can see a first quick map I created already in the Workshop. Here is the Manual for the editor.


Again big progress on the multiplayer. All skills are implemented now even though some haven’t been tested yet. There are also three new maps now that can played in multiplayer and have been created with the new map editor. And of course a lot of bug have been fixed and other stuff has been optimized.

Full changelog:


  • Map editor is now available


  • fixed unhandled exceptions
  • fixed neutral cultures being presented in UI, but not being possible to use
  • fixed several bugs that caused player to not get gold in Hero Mode when monsters die through abilities and items
  • probably fixed highscore display error in slot machine

What’s next?

The next update will again focus on multiplayer functionality. We need to add some functionality to highlight some events, e.g. players that already clicked „Ready“ in the lobby or which tower belongs which player.

The map editor will get support for T and X crossings and some minor improvements like button highlighting. We hope to also get feedback for the editor and of course some maps.

If you have any other ideas, whishes, balancing concerns or bugs, please let us know, either as comment, in the discussions, via the Feedback functionality ingame or on Discord.

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