Elemental War 1.10.0 is now available on all platforms and brings the game to the same state as the upcoming PlayStation release next week.
Spine 1.31.0
Das Mai-Update für Spine ist jetzt verfügbar mit vielen, vielen Bugfixes und kleinen Verbesserungen überall!
Progress Report May 2021
Tri6: Infinite is now available on PlayStation, Elemental War will follow soon, Spine had some trouble in April due to too many new players and project X announcement is close.
Tri6: Infinite now available on PlayStation
Tri6: Infinite is now available on PlayStation 4 with compatibility for PlayStation 5!
Spine 1.30.0
Das Spine-April-Update bringt mehr Fallbacks für Sprachen, die Möglichkeit Downloads abzubrechen, einige Bugfixes, Neuigkeiten zur Server-Infrastruktur und eine Patreon-Seite für Spine.
Progress Report April 2021
This month we have big updates about the PS4 progress on Elemental War and Tri6: Infinite, more news about Project X, Spine User Votes and the upcoming Spine 1.30 release!
Tri6: Infinite coming to PlayStation 4 soon
We passed certification and have a release date on on PlayStation 4 now!
Spine User Votes
Heute veröffentlichen wir offiziell Spine User Votes für alle Leute in unserer Community!
Spine 1.29.0
Das Spine-März-Update behebt endlich den D3D11-Patch-Bug, add grundsätzlichen Gothic-3-Support und erlaubt es jetzt, Desktop-Verknüpfungen für Projekte anzulegen!
Progress Report March 2021
The year continues to be pretty good for us with an Elemental War and Spine update, the Tri6: Infinite Switch release, updates on PlayStation progress and of course our new project.