Progress Report May 2022

The May report is here and covers the Elemental War 2 launch!

The May report is here and covers the Elemental War 2 launch!

This report covers Elemental War 2 and Spine.

Sorry for the delay of the progress report, but I was super busy with the Elemental War 2 launch both before it happened and afterwards as well.

Elemental War 2

Elemental War 2 is available on all announced platforms since May 6 2022 and even without final numbers I can only say that it was awesome. Until the end of the month or maybe we already have we should have sold more copies than for Elemental War 1 in three years which is amazing.

Of course such a release never is without issues and so we already released a first patch with the most critical fixes. The second patch will be released next week and contains fixes for the rest of the reported issues as well as some improvements we received as feedback.

After the update we will keep an eye on reported issues to tackle them as well. We also received some nice feature requests that will improve the game or make understanding certain things easier.

We also got requests for new games modes and maps. We’re considering these as well. In general: if you have any feedback, stuff you like, dislike or even miss, and we will see what we can do.

Read more about Elemental War 2.

PlayStation Store

Microsoft Store

Humble Store

Stadia Store


I’m actually a little surprised, but seems like I managed to release Spine 1.40 in April. The update was small, but there aren’t any known critical issues and as you might have read, there was a lot to do for Elemental War 2 (and still is).

Spine 1.41 actually was already planned for last week, but I had to reschedule it. My current plan is to release it tomorrow, May 21. Again no big steps sadly, but a crash got fixed when uploading a new mod and the DeepL integration for the translator tool is back.

As usual the plan is to work more on Spine, but also as usual, I can’t guarantee anything. If you have urgent requests, feel free to reach out.

If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.

Check out Spine User Votes.

Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.

If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report April 2022

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