Tri6: Infinite store page release

Tri6: Infinite is almost finished and we’re going to start into the beta by the end of the week. Time to setup the store pages and release a trailer, screenshots and a new gameplay video!

Tri6: Infinite is almost finished and we’re going to start into the beta by the end of the week. Time to setup the store pages and release a trailer, screenshots and a new gameplay video!

First things first, so let’s start with our trailer:

If you haven’t heard about Tri6: infinite yet, you can find all informations on our homepage:

There you will also find some screenshots, features and more details.

We also have some new gameplay with developer commentary:

If you’re interested now or have already been before, then wishlist the game on either Steam, or Kartridge, share our videos and homepage, follow us and help us to spread the word about Tri6: Infinite!

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.

Check out Tri6: Infinite on Kartridge.

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