The first CyberTD content update is live now featuring two new game modes and plenty other adjustments.
The big new feature of CyberTD 1.1.0 are the two new game modes:
- After beating wave 100 you can now continue the game in endless mode and see how long your build will last.
- And in strategy mode (which you can select in the hub right after the tutorial sequence) you have pre-defined waves and paths now, so the only random factor there are the cards. That will make planning a strategy how to beat the waves a lot easier as you know exactly when what spawns.
Besides that we added some quality of life features, improved some wording and enabled mutators also in multiplayer.
Full changelog
- added endless mode
- added strategy mode
- added support for mutators also in multiplayer
- made pausing behavior when game is in background configurable
- ViKing ability takes can be disabled now
- improved wording on level-up screen
- added option to disable card animations
- added hint on level-up screen how the upgrades work and when to unlock the deckbuilding
- added possibility for Alpha Modulators with resistance against burn and corrosion effects
- added loading spinner to scoreboard indicating scores get loaded in background
- fixed game not saving playing singleplayer with chat
- fixed challenge win ratio always being displayed as 0
What’s going to happen next?
We will continue working on bug reports as they occur.
And of course we’ll work on the second content update which is scheduled for December and will introduce five new level-ups with 20 new upgrades allowing new strategies.
The new main mechanic for the upgrades will be a shuffle mechanic. That means some of the new upgrades will shuffle other cards in your deck during the run. These can be good cards and even permanent upgrades (for this run) and also some trash cards that just fill up your deck and reduce your drop chances for the upgrades you want. But even in that case they have a purpose because there are upgrades that make use of the trash cards.
If you have any ideas or wishes what you would like to see in CyberTD, join our Discord and chat with us there. 🙂
Check out the latest trailer
Have fun!

Read more about CyberTD.
CyberTD @ PlayStation Store
CyberTD @ Microsoft Store (PC & Xbox)
CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop Europe
CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop America
CyberTD @ Epic Store