Tri6: Infinite Android release in November, Elemental War Xbox release in December – and there is more to find out in this month’s progress report!
Elemental War coming to Xbox One
Elemental War finally has a release date on Xbox One via ID@Xbox.
Tri6: Infinite 1.5.1 and Android release
Today we release an update with small fixes and improvements for Tri6: Infinite and also launch an Android version of the game!
Spine 1.25.0
Der Winter naht und ebenso ein neues Spine-Update mit jeder Menge Quality-of-Life-Verbesserungen!
Progress Report November 2020
With some delay due to some important other tasks here’s finally the November progress report with the Tri6: Infinite Xbox/UWP release, console progress update and Spine.
Spine 1.24.0
Das Oktober-Update von Spine behebt wieder zahlreiche Fehler und führt einen neuen Filter in der Datenbank ein, um installierte Projekte zu filtern.
Tri6: Infinite Microsoft Store release
Tri6: Infinite now is also available in the Microsoft Store for PC and Xbox.
Progress Report October 2020
September has ended and we’re closer to the console launches of Elemental War and Tri6: Infinite than ever before! And we have a first release date as well!
Elemental War 1.7.6
Elemental War 1.7.6 is a small hotfix release mostly affecting the Steam version.
Elemental War 1.7.5
Elemental War 1.7.5 provides a few more bugfixes and improvements.