As announced in our last progress report we’re releasing a new poll for Red Skies: Ascension every two weeks. The first two weeks are over now, so it’s evaluation time!
Tri6: Infinite 0.4.0 (Alpha #5)
The new Tri6: Infinite update improves gameplay, unlocks all powerups also for singleplayer and fixes some bugs with the new powerups.
Elemental War 1.1.2 & Start of the map contest
Today’s update is rather small with some imrpovements and fixes. The most important fix is the one that fixes the thumbnails for Steam Workshop. Why? Because today we want to start our first map contest!
Tri6: Infinite 0.3.3 (Alpha #4)
The new Tri6: Infinite update brings new powerups and some first effects!
Elemental War 1.1.1
Update 1.1.1 is an out of order update for Elemental War due to two bugs that were discovered that lead to exploits giving a huge advantage ingame.
Tri6: Infinite 0.3.2 (Alpha #3)
Alpha #3 is now available with new powerups, a lot of small improvements and jump fields!
Elemental War 1.1.0
The Elemental War co-op update is now available! With 1.1.0 you’re able to play Classic and Survival Mode together with up to three friends.
Tri6: Infinite 0.3.1 (Alpha #2)
Today we have a new alpha build of Tri6: Infinite for you!
Elemental War 1.0.5
A new update for Elemental War is now available and we have a bunch of new quality of life improvements and bug fixes again.
Elemental War 1.0.4
Update 4 for Elemental War is ready to be played now. This time have a few bugfixes and improvements mostly for quests and challenges. We also added more of your feedback like timestamps in the alliance chat or an optional grid on the map.