Progress Report June 2023

May was another super busy month with huge jumps forward for CyberTD!

May was another super busy month with huge jumps forward for CyberTD!

This report covers CyberTD, Elemental War 2 and Spine.

May was the first month Sebastian worked ~20 hours a week for us. Even though he was involved in everything before it was huge workload (and still is) and a lot of new stuff to handle now with all the new responsibilities (while I get some stuff from my shoulders finally).

Also during May we secured our booth at gamescom this year. We will be at Home of Indies with CyberTD!

And during the first weekend in June I was at Indie Game Fest 2023 in Cologne. It was an awesome experience, met a lot of nice people, got a lot of feedback and general reception of CyberTD was pretty good.

We also applied for a few other digital events taking place in the next months, but nothing to announce for it yet.


So, on the progress side CyberTD made huge jumps forward. The second biome is fully integrated now, achievements are done and we’re currently working hard on polishing and balancing everything. Even the English voice over is integrated now.

Now while working on the last things for the full game we also have a demo. I had it with me at Indie Game Fest and it’s already available on Steam for Steam Next Fest coming soon. So after reading this report you can actually already check it out on Steam! And don’t forget to share your feedback with us.

The demo while already available will be updated like the not public full version with the latest fixes and optimizations. There will also be a dedicated news properly announcing the demo and its features during the next days.

The next weeks we will finish our bugfixing and balancing, have new trailer(s) and screenshots and check on all consoles to have a smooth experience there and make sure we can pass certification without any issues. Exciting month, but also a little stressful of course.

Read more about CyberTD.

CyberTD @ PlayStation Store

Elemental War 2

As I already announced on Twitter there will be another update for Elemental War 2. It actually is ready and passed certification today on all platforms, but I found out about a little issue today I introduced last Friday for the PC versions, so fixed that today. That means the update will be delayed until tomorrow.

It will fix a few bugs here and there and mostly fix a bigger performance issue on Nintendo Switch that could happen under certain circumstances.

And yeah, wrong order, but as already mentioned we finally launched Elemental War 2 on Nintendo Switch!

Read more about Elemental War 2.

PlayStation Store

Microsoft Store

Humble Store

Nintendo eShop Europe

Nintendo eShop America


As for the last months sadly still no news to announce 🙁

As last times, at least mod additions and updates keep flowing. Big thanks here to all the devs managing their releases/updates on their own or at least informing me, when something new is available!

If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.

Check out Spine User Votes.

Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.

If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report May 2023

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