Progress Report September 2023

CyberTD is launching in a week!

CyberTD is launching in a week!

This report covers CyberTD, Elemental War 2, Spine and Tri6: Infinite.

First: Sorry for not posting an update in August. We were super busy with the final bugfixes for CyberTD and preparations for Gamescom.

So, as there was new progress report for August, I’ll just cover both months now.

Besides the game specific progress in July and August not much happened. Actually we planned to apply for prototype funding for Tri6: Arena in October, but due to the workload we had we won’t be able to do so and move that to February. Meanwhile we will finally work on the submission as well as updates for our old games, of course support and updates for CyberTD and maybe work on some smaller stuff as well.

Crime Mails

As already mentioned last time, we were working on a new project as well, the Crime Mails. Even though they had a little delay, we finally launched them on September 1st. They’re still German only for now, but you can already play the first case and the second one launches on October 1st.

You don’t remember what the Crime Mails are? The idea is simple: You are a detective office and each month you get a new case to solve. That case contains 4 emails with informations and puzzles that will allow you to solve the case and as Dysturbia, the world where everything takes place, now entered the digital area, we can also provide some digital puzzles. And as with almost all previous Dysturbia products from homunculus verlag you can personalize several parts of the game like your detectives name, pet etc. More on that next week when the store with a preview goes live 😉

Read more about Crime Mails.


In July and still in August we fixed some last bugs in CyberTD, mostly console specific edge cases. The game is completely done for quite a while now and ready to launch on Thursday next week, September 28th.

In August we exhibited at Gamescom for the first time. It was great to have a lot of people at our booth trying and enjoying CyberTD and we also got a little coverage.

As already announced CyberTD will launch next week. Together with the launch we’ll have a big streaming event. You can find out more about it here:

We have a list with a few minor things we want to tweak post-launch and few things we’re waiting for some more feedback. In general we hope we can provide several updates as usual with new content and of course fixes and quality of life improvements.

And as it seems like I forgot to post the new trailer, here it is:

Read more about CyberTD.

CyberTD @ PlayStation Store

CyberTD @ Microsoft Store

CyberTD @ Epic Store

CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop Europe

CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop America

Elemental War 2

On July 20th Elemental War 2 launched for Epic Games Store and so increased the amount of supported platforms. Nothing more happened there so far, but we’re planning to launch a new update soon-ish (October or November, kinda depends on how much work there’ll be to do for other projects). We have a few bugs we want to fix and then we’ll see what else we might come up with. But it won’t be a big content update. If you have any feedback you want to be considered, let us know here or on our Discord.

Read more about Elemental War 2.

PlayStation Store

Microsoft Store

Humble Store

Epic Games Store

Nintendo eShop Europe

Nintendo eShop America


As for the last months sadly still no news to announce 🙁

As last times, at least mod additions and updates keep flowing. Big thanks here to all the devs managing their releases/updates on their own or at least informing me, when something new is available!

As I got a report about some weird random bug recently about Spine not launch mods anymore due to some error message I’ll have a look into it. Not sure that will result in a new patch directly, but we’ll see.

If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.

Check out Spine User Votes.

Tri6: Infinite

As Elemental War 2 also Tri6: Infinite launched on the Epic Store in July.

In the background we worked on a native Xbox version of Tri6: Infinite that will launch via ID@Xbox later this year. The version will be the same as for all other platforms, but might include a few additional fixes that then of course will also be backported to all other platforms. It will also have feature parity of course.

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Nintendo eShop

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ PlayStation Store

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Humble Store

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Epic Games Store

Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.

If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report July 2023

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