After a long time we finally finished Elemental War 1.7.0 with huge performance improvements!
More than two months after the last update and a lot of work we finally finished our next update. We upgraded to the latest Unity version and a new render pipeline. Additionally we also improved some CPU bottlenecks in the code. The end result is performance gain of around 100% in most cases which is pretty awesome!
Additionally we fixed some bugs we discovered that already were present in previous versions and we improved multiplayer, especially for the Steam version of the game.
We will continue our support and now focus mostly on the console versions again to release them later this year.
Full changelog
- upgrade to Unity 2019.3 and URP for better performance
- reduced volume of Pentagram attack
- fixed main menu in 4K resolution
- fixed tooltip showing when dragging item from one tower to another
- fixed navigation via minimap clicking for resolutions > 1080p
- fixed sometimes the same item spawning twice
- improved multiplayer connection when playing via Steam
- improve multiplayer performance
- adjusted balancing a little
If you have any balancing concerns or bugs, please let us know, either as comment, in the discussions, via the Feedback functionality ingame or on Discord.

Read more about Elemental War.

Check out Elemental War on Kartridge.
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