We got concept funding granted by FilmFernsehFond Bayern for our next big project, Tri6: Arena.
While we’re in the final phase of the development of our current project, the innovative tower defense Elemental War 2, we already applied for concept funding at FFF Bayern for our new game, Tri6: Arena. And we got it!
As the name already suggests, Tri6: Arena will be related to our cyberspace fun racer Tri6: Infinite. In general the plan is to build up on the basement we built with Infinite and enhance it a lot by adding new features like online multiplayer, a new game mode and more content, improving existing systems like the vehicle physics, the existing infinite mode, the powerups and more.
In the end the jump from Tri6: Infinite to Tri6: Arena shall be as big as the jump from Elemental War to Elemental War 2 (and it is huge!).
During the concept phase which will last for the next 3 months we will do all the planning work and write down the details, so don’t expect to see anything about the game yet. But if you’re interested and liked the first game already, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord to talk to us directly!
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