The last progress report for this year with the latest updates for Elemental War 2, a short update on Tri6: Infinite and finally some news about the next Spine update!
This report covers Elemental War 2, Spine and Tri6: Infinite.
Elemental War 2
Good news: all gameplay mechanics, quests, items and other features (including full coop support) are finished now! That means all we need to do content wise now is to replace a few last placeholder icons for items and achievements which will be done in December, and add the new soundtrack as well as the translations.
Besides that we have to finalize the console ports and do extensive testing on all platforms. For that purpose and to get some feedback from others, we announced a playtest weekend in December on Steam. You can still request access on the Steam page. And when you’re there already, don’t forget to wishlist!
So the plan is to have a basically final and polished version of Elemental War 2 by the end of December with all the internal and external feedback we receive until then and that makes sense.
Meanwhile we also have links to the game both in the PlayStation Store and the Humble Store to wishlist the game now in order to get notified once it gets released.
If you’re interested in Elemental War 2 or just want to support us, please wishlist the game on Steam or your PS5. At least on Steam wishlists can help a lot to get pushed by the Steam algorithm.

Read more about Elemental War 2.
I was still super busy with Elemental War 2, so no time to finish the next Spine update yet. But most improvements I wanted to add are done and just one important bugfix is missing for the update. As this week will still be full of other work I aim for a release on December 10th.
Fingers crossed there will be more time to work on Spine again then so I can work on the bigger topics and finally get some stuff from the user votes done. Many ideas and plans, but too little time for it.
If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.
Check out Spine User Votes.
Tri6: Infinite
There was no new update for Tri6: Infinite, but we now also sell the game on the Humble Store.
There might be another port for another platform coming soon, but too early to announce it.

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Nintendo eShop
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ PlayStation Store Europe
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ PlayStation Store America
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Humble Store
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Google Play Store
Check out Tri6: Infinite Demo @ Google Play Store
Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.
If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report November 2021
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