Progress Report January 2020

2019 is over and we had a nice final spurt before the year ended!

2019 is over and we had a nice final spurt before the year ended!

This report covers Elemental War, Red Skies: Ascension, Spine and Tri6: Infinite.

There will be another news in a few days with a recap of 2019 and an outlook for 2020 covering the whole years and not just December and January.

Elemental War

As every month we released another update for Elemental War and reached Elemental War 1.3.0. We fixed more bugs and optimized the game here and there also slightly improved performance again. That’s an ongoing process and we always try something new here and there to see if we can squeeze out a little more. There’ll be more improvements in the next update as well.

Besides the work on the updates we’re still in the process of porting the game to Xbox. That’s done except of multiplayer and testing which probably still will take a while.

Read more about Elemental War.

Check out Elemental War on Kartridge.

Red Skies: Ascension

For Red Skies: Ascension we did some testing this month. We found out that the grid based system for the robots during combat is not fun. Problem was that we used hexagon fields (not visible, but in the background to identify spots). As you can imagine, hexagon fields have the be shifted for each row to fit. That meant that you clicked at a position to move your robot there and then the robot moved next to it to fit in the hexagon. So currently we’re completely removing the grid based system again in favor of freedom to move everywhere in the arena as long as there is a path to the location and the spot is empty. Should be the better approach.

We also talked quite a bit about the dialog tool we mentioned in the Progress Report November 2019. It’s meant to make the whole content creation for Red Skies: Ascension and all our future games a lot easier. We have a concept for it, but it requires proper planning to be future proof. The first project that will make use of it will be our demo for Red Skies: Ascension end of 2020/beginning of 2021.

Read more about Red Skies: Ascension on the dedicated homepage. There you will also see how you can support us with the development of the game.

Read more about Red Skies: Ascension.


The monthly update cycle for Spine did work out as well for December and so we could release Spine 1.14.17. The biggest work there was done to improve the workflow for developers, but we had a few other things finished as well. Actually we introduced a little bug there that was quite annoying for the players though, so we had to release the hotfix Spine 1.14.18 just a week later.

The next update will be Spine 1.15.0 and is currently on track. It will improve error tracking so I get informed about download issues directly without the need of you reporting them manually. We also work a lot on the general code base. This might introduce a few bugs (hopefully not, but I guess there will always a small problem here and there), but in the end everybody will profit from it.

And as teased in the last progress report we finally released the next update for Xeres‘ Return. The patch updates to Xeres‘ Return 1.0.7 and fixes most known bugs. Some guild stories still aren’t perfect, especially the one of the Old Camp, but that would require a complete rewrite and that’s something we won’t do. We’re not sure if there will be any future updates. We have a lot stuff we could add and there is always something to fix, but we’re focussing more on our newer projects, which we obviously have to do to fund the company.

If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.

Tri6: Infinite

Tri6: Infinite got a huge update this month. We have the new alpha version on our Discord including a huge graphics update. There’s still a lot to do, but it feels many times better now than before and it looks awesome. Just have a look on our new gameplay video:

As already mentioned in the progress report, the changelog of this update is pretty long. We have almost everything in the game now we wanted to add and are now adding more graphics and soon also sounds, polishing gameplay and balancing the whole game.

In January we will start working on the sounds and music for the game as well as polishing the gameplay. We currently have a few bugs in the vehicle movement that need to be solved and we always find some bugs here and there, but that’s stuff we will tackle now.

If you’re interested in this kind of game and want to try it out and share your opinions with us, just join our Discord, download the alpha version and play the game. Every feedback is appreciated and will really help us!

We hope to get some feedback from you on the alpha on our Discord.

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.

Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.

If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report December 2019.

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