Progress Report October 2023

CyberTD is out and we’re working on several updates across our whole portfolio!

CyberTD is out and we’re working on several updates across our whole portfolio!

This report covers Crime Mails, CyberTD, Elemental War, Elemental War 2, Spine and Tri6: Infinite.

We had and still have a very busy time. We’re currently working on the second patch and the first content update for CyberTD, patches for Elemental War 1 & 2, the next Crime Mails cases as well as the ID@Xbox release of Tri6: Infinite.

Meanwhile our first intern, Florian, started work this week. He’ll support us in our art department and create assets for our next project and probably also future CyberTD updates.

We also started work on a new project. We’re currently prototyping it to make it fun and will share first info as soon as it is fun and kinda presentable.

Then I was part of two podcasts about Clockwork Origins, CyberTD and more. The first one that already launched on September 27th was the German Toddes Nerdcast. The other one, also German, is from DieStrategen. There we even talk about Elemental War for quite a while. That one will go live somewhen today and you can find it through their link tree.

Crime Mails

In September we finalized the second case for the Crime Mails with the title „Rufmord“. Now we’re busy working on the next two cases for November and December. Cool stuff is awaiting you there, so definitely worth a look if you like to solve puzzles.

We also now have a gift package. So if you’re looking for a christmas present you can get the archive cases for friends and family now.

Read more about Crime Mails.


After the final spurt we finally launched CyberTD on September 28th. We had a lot of players and pretty good feedback so far.

Just a week after launch we released the first patch solving a few issues that got reported.

Right now we’re working on the two new game modes, the endless mode and the strategy mode while improving some small things and also preparing a second patch with a few more small tweaks.

The endless mode will be able to be played after finishing a wave 100 run. You then get your score and can decide to just continue playing until your integrity falls to 0 to see how long your build lasts.

The strategy mode will be for those of you that want to optimize their build. It will have pre-defined waves and paths, so you can plan your whole strategy and know exactly when what will happen.

Read more about CyberTD.

CyberTD @ PlayStation Store

CyberTD @ Microsoft Store

CyberTD @ Epic Store

CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop Europe

CyberTD @ Nintendo eShop America

Elemental War

Quite a while passed since the last Elemental War update. In the meantime we got a few bug reports and also stumbled upon a few things ourselves. So it’s time for a small patch solving these issues. The patch is already completed and should be released either this or next week across all supported platforms.

And if you’re struggling with the Man of Steel achievement, here’s a short guide how to get it. If you’re struggling with anything else, let me know.

Read more about Elemental War.

Check out Elemental War @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)

Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store Europe

Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store America

Elemental War 2

Elemental War 2 also got some love again in early October. We got a few bug reports, mostly for the PS4 version. These contained a visual bug and the continue button in the main menu not being there when rebooting the whole game. Those issues among a few smaller things are solved now. The patch is just waiting for the Switch approval, so should be available soon.

Read more about Elemental War 2.

PlayStation Store

Microsoft Store

Humble Store

Epic Games Store

Nintendo eShop Europe

Nintendo eShop America


As for the last months sadly still no news to announce 🙁

As last times, at least mod additions and updates keep flowing. Big thanks here to all the devs managing their releases/updates on their own or at least informing me, when something new is available!

If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.

Check out Spine User Votes.

Tri6: Infinite

As already mentioned last month, Tri6: Infinite will launch on ID@Xbox soon. We now have a final release date there with November 15th. The store page will go live already next week. There are no new features or anything compared to other platforms, but you’ll get the most up-to-date version (as the old Creators Program version was a little outdated as it wasn’t possible to update it without breaking everything). That includes some bugfixes and of course native Xbox versions now. We mostly have to prepare some marketing stuff there and then hopefully get some new players in the game again 🙂

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Nintendo eShop

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ PlayStation Store

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Humble Store

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Epic Games Store

Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.

If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report September 2023

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