This month’s maintenance update Elemental War 1.3.0 has been released with some new bugfixes and quality of life features.
On the feature side we added a new feature that allows to join lobbies of friends/invite friends to a lobby when playing via Steam. This will make it a little easier to play together with friends now.
Then there have been as usual some small performance fixes. So we slightly improved general performance of all distance based checks (e.g. if a monster is in the range of a tower). This will especially help with a lot of towers and monsters, but won’t be a big breakthrough. The other performance optimization only affects the multiplayer. There it will help to keep the game lag-free even with a lot of towers and monsters on the map which could lead to big lags sometimes before this fix.
There are more changes you can find in the changelog below.
There is also our christmas event running which gives you a special item for Hero Mode you can only unlocked during christmas time! So play Elemental War in the next days to unlock it and keep it forever. And if you don’t own Elemental War yet, we also participate in the winter sales. Find the links below.
Furthermore we now changed the versioning of our releases. To explain it: Each of our releases is a combination of … The major version will be changed if something really, really big changes, mostly something like a remaster/remake. But that would probably a new game and isn’t planned at all. Usually we only use 0 for the time before release (alpha, beta, early access) and 1 afterwards. The minor version will change with every regular update. These are the planned updates that at the moment are released every month. In case we need a hotfix, like 1.2.1 and 1.2.3, we will now use the patch version for. This won’t change much for you, but it helps us a little with planning as we don’t need to rename milestones anymore due to an unforeseen hotfix.
Full changelog
- leaderboards now show the platform of the player
- changing later to a Clockwork account now applies scores and experience
- it should be possible now to join lobbies of friends/invite friends via Steam
- fixed missing own scores (marker) when only being logged in via account linking
- improved keyboard/controller navigation in login screen
- fixed missing name of local player in multiplayer when not logged in and host
- fixed cut off text in player dropdown in lobby
- slightly improved CPU performance
- unregistered users can’t create challenges anymore
- improved multiplayer performance in late game (client)
- speed up of online features for Steam users
- maps created or requested by non-Steam users can be downloaded now
If you have any balancing concerns or bugs, please let us know, either as comment, in the discussions, via the Feedback functionality ingame or on Discord.

Read more about Elemental War.

Check out Elemental War on Kartridge.