The fourth content update brings you the new “Spine” skin set for all three vehicles together with a bugfix for decals on skins not being displayed at all.
Today we released the fourth skin set for Tri6: Infinite. It’s the Spine set you can see in the trailer below. The new skins can also be unlocked for 250 electrons each. The Hermes skin is also available in the demo.
At the moment SCILL Play is also running the second Community Clash where you can win awesome prizes. To participate, visit their page, link your SCILL account with your Clockwork Origins account and complete challenges in Tri6: Infinite!
If you want to try out the game first, you can download our free demo via Steam, and in our own launcher Spine.
If you haven’t heard about Tri6: infinite yet, you can find all informations on our homepage:
There you will also find some screenshots, features and more details.
Full changelog
- added skin set “Spine”
- fixed decals of skins not being displayed
The next update will contain the last skin set and then we’re submitting the console versions for review!

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.

Check out Tri6: Infinite on Kartridge.