The latest update for Tri6: Infinite introduced new effects and several bug fixes for powerups and UI.
Spine 1.14.15
Another update for Spine is available now. This update adds some more functionality to add own plugins to Systempack and Union and fixes some more bugs. Offline achievements now should really work!
Elemental War 1.2.0
The new Elemental War update is now available and adds several new maps!
Red Skies: Ascension – Weekly Question #2
As announced in our last progress report we’re releasing a new poll for Red Skies: Ascension every two weeks. The first two weeks are over now, so it’s evaluation time!
Spine 1.14.14
Today there is a new update for Spine available in preparation of some new released probably in the next days. Besides these preparations there also some bugfixes e.g. regarding the offline mode.
Tri6: Infinite 0.4.0 (Alpha #5)
The new Tri6: Infinite update improves gameplay, unlocks all powerups also for singleplayer and fixes some bugs with the new powerups.
Progress Report October 2019
In this month’s progress report we not only have updates for all our projects, but finally the real announcement of our new project Red Skies: Ascension!
Elemental War 1.1.2 & Start of the map contest
Today’s update is rather small with some imrpovements and fixes. The most important fix is the one that fixes the thumbnails for Steam Workshop. Why? Because today we want to start our first map contest!
Tri6: Infinite 0.3.3 (Alpha #4)
The new Tri6: Infinite update brings new powerups and some first effects!
Server Maintenance on October 8th
On October 8th 11pm CEST our server will be maintained. This process will take until 9am on October 9th. During that time the homepage and the online functionality of Elemental War, Spine and Tri6: Infinite might not be available. We…