The Spine April update brings some more fallbacks for languages, option to cancel downloads, a few bugfixes, some news on the server infrastructure and a Patreon page for Spine.
Today we release Spine 1.30.0. It doesn’t look that big from the changelog, but we did some work on the code base I will tell you about later. First lets have a look on the main features of the changelog.
On the feature side we added the same fallback mechanism to info pages, achievements and scoreboards we have already for changelogs and the news ticker. That means when they aren’t available in your UI language, they will fall back to English (if available) and otherwise just to the first language that is available. That should reduce the amount of completely empty pages, but won’t solve the problem completely. I also added the empty info page description to Spine User Votes now, so you can vote for it if you miss them.
Another thing that got requested often is the ability to cancel running downloads. That has been added again now, so in the downloads tab you can click the X also while the download is running and that will stop it.
On the bug side we fixed some issue that came up twice in the last weeks where it seems the Gothic installations names files wrongly, a missing UI refresh when switching from developer mode to play mode and vice versa, a shutdown issue of Spine that caused the process to never finish and a too low threshold for community based patch feedback that causes some people to be able to easily block patches for mods. Keep in mind that you can help this system by submitting compatibilities when you play new combinations. Your voice there is important and also gives a few XP for your Spine level.
Besides that we finished the code refactoring to be able to start our UI overhaul. We will delay that a little though in order to improve our server infrastructure first. We already added the code for it, but need to test it before it can be used. And then of course we need some more server capabilities. As that’s a cost factor for us we would be glad if you could help us out there a little. Therefore we finally set up a Patreon page for Spine as it’s better to plan with than the PayPal one.
If you encounter any problems, please let us know so we can have a look at it. Also try to provide as much information as possible like your last steps and log files.
Full changelog
- Info page now has same fallback mechanism for language support as changelog
- Added functionality to cancel downloads
- Fixed bug that caused for original games sometimes subtitles/speech not to work
- Switching between developer and play mode now updates UI properly
- Fixed bug that caused Spine to not shut down properly sometimes
- Increased limit for community based patch filter
For questions and feedback either use the feedback functionality, have a look into the thread @ World of Gothic or join our Discord server.

Read more about Spine.