With a little delay due to gamescom for Elemental War 2 the Spine August update is now available introducing new keyword search.
Spine 1.34 is now available. You might have noticed that it’s a week late. That’s because we had quite a lot to prepare for gamescom for Elemental War 2 last week.
The new update as usual fixes a few small bugs and introduces a new feature. This time it’s a keyword search that was brought up by neocromicon. So far when searching in the database only the name of the project was searchable. Now by default also all translations can be found. So if you’re using the Spine client in German there is a patch called “Dauerhaftes Rennen” which in English is called “Infinite Sprint”. If you searched for “Sprint” you never found that patch, but now can find it. Furthermore for developers it’s now possible to add custom keywords as well. For more informations refer to the Publishing on Spine tutorial.
And as I already got asked: The new UI overhaul is still planned for this year. I can’t guarantee it, but I’ll try to get it in, at least some kind of preview.
If you encounter any problems, please let us know so we can have a look at it. Also try to provide as much information as possible like your last steps and log files.
Full changelog
- Added support for keywords for an extended search functionality
- Fixed error in Polish translation
- Fixed bug that caused localisations of projects being available after release not being selectable
- Fixed bug that caused images in news getting lost
For questions and feedback either use the feedback functionality, have a look into the thread @ World of Gothic or join our Discord server.

Read more about Spine.