The July update for Spine is smaller due to some of the features and fixes being part of previous patches, but we now introduced Discord Rich Presence support and a global ranking for the Spine level!
Progress Report July 2020
The first half of the year is over and we have released an Elemental War performance update, made progress on the Red Skies: Ascension dialog tool, had a big Spine update and the Tri6: Infinite demo has been released as well – what a month!
Elemental War 1.7.0
After a long time we finally finished Elemental War 1.7.0 with huge performance improvements!
Tri6: Infinite Demo now on Spine &
The Tri6: Infinite Demo now is also available on Spine &!
Spine 1.20.2
Small hotfix release for Spine with a few fixes for the new feedback and changelog functionality and some server side fixes.
Tri6: Infinite Demo release
As part of the Steam Game Festival we released a demo for Tri6: Infinite!
Spine 1.20.0
The June update for Spine is pretty big and introduces a lot of new features like support for play testing, better feedback and discussion functionality, changelogs per project and improvements for the rating system!
Progress Report June 2020
Elemental War performance optimizations, Red Skies: Ascension demo progress, Spine getting support for games besides Gothic and Tri6: Infinite demo close to release!
Spine 1.19.0
Spine’s May update brings the last update date of the project to the database and info page, developers can update their projects more easily and we added beta support for games besides Gothic mods.
Progress Report May 2020
Corona is still going on and so is our work. Performance improvements in Elemental War, demo for Tri6: Infinite coming soon, a Spine update and progress on Red Skies: Ascension – this and more now in the progress report!