Happy new year, everybody! Here is the first progress report of the year with the latest informations on Elemental War 2 and Spine and some more general updates.
This report covers Elemental War 2 and Spine.
First the more general news: In December we got nominated for two awards at the GermanDevDays Indie Game Award 2021. One was for best audio for Tri6: Infinite, the other one as best developer. We didn’t win any of them, but still great that we got nominated and next time we will win!
In January as Elemental War 2 is basically done (still will need testing and polishing, but that’s not that much work anymore in the current state of the game) we’re preparing our next project. And as we’re going to apply for funds for it which means we can’t start actual work on it I’m going to prototype a few other game ideas I have (or some gameplay mechanics of them). Will be more of an experimental month then which is pretty cool after all the pressure we recently had with all the deadlines for Elemental War 2. There still are quite some of them in January, but it’s a lot easier now to hit them as no big tasks are missing anymore.
Another big goal for me in January is to do some marketing. Something I’m really not good in, but that’s super important. We’ll see how it goes.
And another note: There will be the usual past and future news in roughly two weeks with a bigger recap of 2021 and outlook for 2022!
Elemental War 2
As mentioned already last month the content side of Elemental War 2 already is finished. In December we added all remaining icons for achievements, items, status effects and monster abilities. The translations also are integrated except for the Korean one which will be completed in January. And the soundtrack also made good progress, even though not finished yet. That will also be done in January then.
During December we tested the game a lot and also had our playtest weekend for two maps of the singleplayer on Steam. We fixed dozens of bugs, polished a lot of things across the whole game and also finalized the coop mode. We also finished the PlayStation 4 and Stadia ports. PlayStation 5 couldn’t be tested yet, but we’re on it and it should be done soon.
In January we will keep on testing and polishing Elemental War 2, both on the gameplay and performance side as well as on the graphics side. We are constantly finding things to improve and whoever already developed something knows that there is always something to improve.
We also plan to have another playtest weekend in January to let you try out the coop mode. We will announce the date for it soon.
If you’re interested in Elemental War 2 or just want to support us, please wishlist the game on Steam or your PS5. At least on Steam wishlists can help a lot to get pushed by the Steam algorithm.

Read more about Elemental War 2.
Finally I was able to release a new Spine update in December. It solved a few issues and improved some management workflows for developers.
As I have a little more time at the moment for it I already could work on some other stuff in December and will keep doing so in January as long as it’s possible. So there will be a new update in January (I plan with January 14th at the moment).
If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.
Check out Spine User Votes.
Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.
If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report December 2021
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