Elemental War getting another small patch, Spine progressing slowly and the new game now really very close to the announcement!
This report covers Elemental War, Project X and Spine.
Elemental War
There wasn’t much going on for Elemental War in June as the project is finished for us. But we stumbled upon a few minor bugs we still want to release as a small patch. Not sure that will happen already in July, but I’d assume so. The biggest question mark in that regard is the patch workflow on PlayStation as we haven’t done that before. We’ll see how that turns out, we need to figure it out anyway at some point.

Read more about Elemental War.
Check out Elemental War @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)
Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store Europe
Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store America
Check out Elemental War on Kartridge.
Project X
We had to delay the announcement again for a few days as the trailer still isn’t finished yet. It’s planned to happen next week though.
On the development side we made great progress. Basically we can already consider the game in alpha stage. All features are implemented besides a few map specific ones and we’re already adding more content now which will continue through July. End of July we then want to apply for consoles to get that set up as soon as possible.
We still have a bunch of placeholders in the game we’re replacing this month. Once that’s on a level we’re happy with we’re also going to upload some gameplay video.
In June we released Spine 1.32.0 with a few bugfixes. Since then not much happened besides some support cases. We still have two small improvements on the list for the next update that is already schedulded for July 9th.
A positive news for us and Spine in general is that we hit the 50€ goal on our Spine Patreon page. That means the current server costs of Spine are covered, at least for the moment.
After the Spine 1.33 release there should be more time again to work on Spine so we should get bigger updates again. But we’ll see if it works out as planned because usually it doesn’t.
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Read more about Spine.
Check out Spine User Votes.
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