The Spine June update is available now with a few bugfixes for the uninstaller, additional packages, compatibility dialog and update dialog.
Progress Report June 2021
Elemental War finally available on PlayStation and updated to 1.10, Spine got its 1.31 update and the new game announcement is close now.
Elemental War now available on PlayStation
Two years after the PC release we now have released Elemental War also on PlayStation!
Elemental War 1.10.0
Elemental War 1.10.0 is now available on all platforms and brings the game to the same state as the upcoming PlayStation release next week.
Spine 1.31.0
The Spine May update is out now with many, many bugfixes and small improvements all over the place!
Progress Report May 2021
Tri6: Infinite is now available on PlayStation, Elemental War will follow soon, Spine had some trouble in April due to too many new players and project X announcement is close.
Tri6: Infinite now available on PlayStation
Tri6: Infinite is now available on PlayStation 4 with compatibility for PlayStation 5!
Spine 1.30.0
The Spine April update brings some more fallbacks for languages, option to cancel downloads, a few bugfixes, some news on the server infrastructure and a Patreon page for Spine.
Progress Report April 2021
This month we have big updates about the PS4 progress on Elemental War and Tri6: Infinite, more news about Project X, Spine User Votes and the upcoming Spine 1.30 release!
Tri6: Infinite coming to PlayStation 4 soon
We passed certification and have a release date on on PlayStation 4 now!