The August report is out now with the latest infos about Elemental War, Elemental War 2, Tri6: Arena, Tri6: Infinite, Spine and more!
This report covers Elemental War, Elemental War 2, Spine, Tri6: Infinite and Tri6: Arena.
July was a super busy and productive month for us. We got a lot of work done on all projects you know about as well for our new unannounced game. Still not able to share infos about it, but we’re currently finalizing our trailer. Maybe in August or September you’ll be able to see it. But in general we’re close to alpha state which for us means all gameplay is integrated and we mostly need to add the remaining content and polish everything. Balancing so will be hard again here and hasn’t been touched yet.
Furthermore I’m now officially full-time indie. We finally reached the point where it’s possible to live from our work (well, for now of course, always depends on how the next release goes and if we have delays or other things happen). So hopefully we can get even more cool stuff done now!
Elemental War
The new Elemental War versions worked out mostly as planned. We received our pre-cert feedback and have a list of small bugs here and there we need to fix now. We will shift the release a little back as we will focus on the Elemental War 2 update, the Tri6: Infinite ports and our new game first (and of course the Tri6: Arena concept). But don’t worry, it’s just that we have too much stuff we’re working on at the moment, so we need to prioritize a little.

Read more about Elemental War.
Check out Elemental War @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)
Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store Europe
Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store America
Elemental War 2
It was a little silent here as well during July. The good news is: endless mode and weekly challenges work fine and we also fixed a few bugs that popped up in the meantime. The bad news: we still miss one new UI element for the challenges and as long as the trailer for our new game isn’t finished our graphics guy has no time to create it (he is doing basically everything graphics related at the moment, so super busy).
But once we have that graphic integrated it’s just passing cert, so hopefully no big deal. I hope we get the update out in August, but no guarantee.

Read more about Elemental War 2.
Sadly no Spine update as well in July and also nothing worked on. I will come back to it as soon as possible and if you have an urgent issue, just reach out on our Discord.
If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.
Check out Spine User Votes.
Tri6: Arena
The concept of Tri6: Arena made good progress in July. We have most parts finished and just need to polish it a little and add some visual material to underline our vision. I hope we get it 100% done by the end of August as the deadline actually is end of September. Don’t think it will be a problem, but we have to keep focussing on it. Will be one of the biggest tasks in August again. But once the concept is through we can finally start work on it and I’m really looking forward to it!
Tri6: Infinite
The Tri6: Infinite ports were finished in July and as Elemental War we got pre-cert feedback. Had a few issues with controller handling and multiplayer, but we just entered final cert today on Stadia and PS5. Currently preparing the Stadia store page and then need to submit the Switch patch as well. We aim for a September release, at least for the Stadia port. The other updates might come later as the certification slots are hard to get on some platforms at the moment. We will announce more details soon when we have them!

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Nintendo eShop
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ PlayStation Store Europe
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ PlayStation Store America
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Humble Store
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Google Play Store
Check out Tri6: Infinite Demo @ Google Play Store
Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.
If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report July 2022
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