The July report is out now with the latest infos about Elemental War, Elemental War 2, Tri6: Arena, Tri6: Infinite, Spine and more!
This report covers Elemental War, Elemental War 2, Spine, Tri6: Infinite and Tri6: Arena.
We worked on a lot of stuff and even with some Corona incidence we made got progress, even though not as good as planned.
Elemental War
As teased last month, we’re now working on some new update of Elemental War (and Tri6: Infinite). The update won’t add new features, but fixes a few bugs and slightly improve the graphics quality here and there. The main goal though is to bring it to a few more platforms. That means there will be a native PlayStation 5 and XSX version as well as a Stadia version and for PlayStation 4 I hope we can also get on the Asian markets even though it will still just support German and English language. The update is almost done, just Stadia needs to be tested, and then they can enter certification. We aim for a release end of August/early September.

Read more about Elemental War.
Check out Elemental War @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)
Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store Europe
Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store America
Elemental War 2
In June we released two more updates for Elemental War 2, 1.0.7 and 1.0.8. Both updates fixed a few bugs and 1.0.7 also introduced some new features like a favorite system to quick build towers and e.g. an item help menu.
Now we’re working on the big 1.1 content update. That will introduce an endless mode and weekly challenges. The endless mode as the name implies will not end at wave 80 but instead run until all your lives are gone. That way you can unlock a few more elements and play a little longer. The weekly challenges will be some special game configuration that will be really challengine. That means several parameters of the game like start lives, map, difficulty, if there are items or not, if there is a cooldown between waves or not and so on will be different each time. We have plenty of parameters that get modified. There will be a new scoreboard for the running challenge and then one with the score you achieved in the challenge. So when a challenge ends you get 1-100 points for the challenge scoreboard depending on your rank in the current challenge.
This update is currently being tested internally and will be finalized soon. Then it depends on how long certification for consoles takes, but we aim for end of July/early August, so stay tuned.

Read more about Elemental War 2.
Sadly no Spine update in June and also nothing really worked on. I hope that will change in July, but we have a lot of projects in progress at the moment.
If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.
Check out Spine User Votes.
Tri6: Arena
As mentioned last month, plan was to start the concept for Tri6: Arena in June. And well, we did so. We didn’t progress as far as planned due to the previously mentioned Corona case, but have a rough structure. So next we need to write everything down and figure out some open points. This will be the goal for July to have it at least done in a first version so we have two months to finalize and polish all our ideas… there are so many.
Tri6: Infinite
As already mentioned in the Elemental War section, we are working on a small update for Tri6: Infinite. As for Elemental War it won’t introduce new features, but instead fix some bugs, slightly improve the graphics and bring it to new platforms. As it’s just a Creators Program game on Xbox there won’t be a native XSX version sadly, but we have a PlayStation 5 and Stadia version (the latter still needs to be tested) and also the goal to reach Asian markets on PlayStation 4. Only the Stadia version needs testing at this point which will be done in the next days, then we can actually start certification. As for the Elemental War update we aim for end of August/early September.

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Nintendo eShop
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ PlayStation Store Europe
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ PlayStation Store America
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Humble Store
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Google Play Store
Check out Tri6: Infinite Demo @ Google Play Store
Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.
If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report June 2022
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