A lot of stuff happened this month and we’re going to sum up the progress in this new report with an outlook for the rest of this year.
This report covers Elemental War, Red Skies: Ascension, Spine and Tri6: Infinite.
Elemental War
In November we released our monthly maintenance update Elemental War 1.2.2. It fixed a few bugs, slightly improved performance and improved quality of life stuff like storing and restoring the state of some UI elements. Most work done is not visible yet as it just affects the console version.
Sadly we introduced a small bug for one of the towers in this update, so we had to roll out a hotfix to Elemental War 1.2.3 version earlier than expected.
We’re still working on the next update which is scheduled for December 20th so you can enjoy Christmas holidays with some more improvements and fixes.

Read more about Elemental War.

Check out Elemental War on Kartridge.
Red Skies: Ascension
Well, sadly not that much progress on Red Skies: Ascension this month, but not too bad either. We’re still working on the combat system. We added some placeholders now and added proper highlighting as it was impossible to see which robot is the one you need to perform an action for. That’s still work in progress, but at least it’s more usable now and way easier to test.
Not sure how much time we can spend on Red Skies in December due to christmas and some important milestones for the other projects, but the goal is still to get a properly working combat system until end of the month.
Read more about Red Skies: Ascension on the dedicated homepage. There you will also see how you can support us with the development of the game.

Read more about Red Skies: Ascension.
You might have noticed that Spine got the planned update this month with the Spine 1.14.16 release. I’m happy I could spend some time on it to provide some more functionality for players and developers and also fix some older issues.
The December update is scheduled for December 13th. I’m a little behind my roadmap due to some lack of motivation, but there isn’t much missing at the moment and in worst case I’ll move one of the tickets to the next milestone. Basically there are some small improvements again and a bigger one for developers as it took very long to load the management stuff for teams with many mods. In December I’ll also unlock Union for everybody. Currently there is still a bug in combination with plugins that will be fixed in the next Spine update, so it’s better to wait for it.
In the meantime I already updated the achievements tutorial for Spine. Now the Spine_IsAchievementUnlockedForOtherMod gets also explained.
Not directly related to Spine but kinda connected: The next (little delayed) Xeres’ Return patch made some progress. So it will probably be released somewhen in the future… 😉
If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.
Tri6: Infinite
Tri6: Infinite finally got the first real graphics and it looks awesome now. The newest version is available via our Discord, but doesn’t contain the graphics yet. There will be a new alpha later this month and also some screens and at least one gameplay video.
But what did we work on? The changelog is pretty long. Besides the graphics you can have a look on both on our Discord and on Twitter already we worked a lot on adding some missing features and improving the existing ones. There is better offline support now, account linking with Steam (as introduced for Elemental War as well), support for achievements and possibility to glide and stomp with the vehicles. Also bots now are in the game, even though they don’t attack the player(s) yet, so we need to further improve this.
During December we’re going to finish the loose ends of the game and add missing content such as the attacking bots and a stomp effect (both visually and gameplay wise). We also need to fix a few bugs with the vehicle/bike movement that currently occur. That’s a little annoying and takes a while, but in the end we will find a proper solution. We also want to finish a list of sounds and music we need for the game so we can start finding someone doing the sounds and music in January. On the graphics side we will add the remaining vehicles this month so we can focus on polishing and UI next year.
We hope to get some feedback from you on the alpha on our Discord.

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.
Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.
If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report November 2019.
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