The September report comes with some delay due to some vacation, but contains new informations about the Elemental War and Tri6: Infinite ports, the Elemental War 2 game mode update, Spine and our new games.
This report covers Elemental War, Elemental War 2, Spine, Tri6: Infinite and Tri6: Arena.
After a very stressful August I had two weeks of vacation, so sorry for the delayed progress report. But we got a lot done in August on all projects and even in September so far with everything that not I have to do. And of course there will be more work to do in the second half of September.
Elemental War
You might have noticed that I was a little silent about the upcoming Elemental War update/ports. That’s because we had a lot of projects recently and most took longer than planned. With the Tri6: Infinite update, the work on our new game and the concept of Tri6: Arena we decided to focus on these projects first and then finish Elemental War.
Most bugs are fixed now, but we still have a few left. I’ll try to get them fixed this week so we can enter final cert next week (if we get QA slots then). Release is still planned for this year, but we can’t 100% guarantee it. But as usual we will keep you informed.

Read more about Elemental War.
Check out Elemental War @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)
Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store Europe
Check out Elemental War @ PlayStation Store America
Elemental War 2
In August we got a cert report that mentioned a little issue we decided to fix (well, we had to fix it for one platform and thought it would be good for all). Due to my vacation the update got delayed now, but will enter re-cert this week. The update should finally be available in September if we get QA slots everywhere and no other issues pop up then. Worst case it will be early October I hope.
Also available since September is a new Stadia click 2 play trial. That means you can play Elemental War 2 on Stadia without any download, installation or even Stadia account. The trial allows to play for 1 hour and you can take over your progress in case you buy it on Stadia then. But via cross progression when you created an account you can also take over your unlocks and scores to any other platform.

Read more about Elemental War 2.
You might have noticed that there was again no Spine update in August. But the good news is that there will be at least a small update in September to fix a few issues. I also thought about the UI overhaul. Would you be interested in some optional beta mode of Spine you can toggle on in the settings to receive beta features to provide feedback on it?
If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.
Check out Spine User Votes.
Tri6: Arena
Not much to say here. We still worked on the concept and will deliver it soon as the deadline is end of September. We got some valuable feedback from our new Tri6: Infinite players that will help make Tri6: Arena a lot better. Once the concept is done we will start prototyping the new mechanics and everything and hopefully can share a little more. Really looking forward to it already, but it will be part of the October report again I guess.
Tri6: Infinite
Tri6: Infinite finally got released on Stadia. That includes a release into Stadia PRO which means when you are a PRO subscriber you can play it with no additional costs. And as for Elemental War 2 there is also a 30 minute click 2 play trial, so you can even try it out before you buy.
Besides that we released update 1.6.0 for all remaining platforms which includes a new PlayStation 5 native version you can get for free in case you already own the PS4 version. The update fixes some bugs and slightly improves the graphics quality.
There will be a small hotfix for PS5 soon as some trophies don’t unlock properly in case you unlocked them on PS4 already.

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Nintendo eShop
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ PlayStation Store
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Stadia
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Humble Store
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Google Play Store
Check out Tri6: Infinite Demo @ Google Play Store
Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.
If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report August 2022
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