With some delay due to some important other tasks here’s finally the November progress report with the Tri6: Infinite Xbox/UWP release, console progress update and Spine.
This report covers Elemental War, Red Skies: Ascension, Spine and Tri6: Infinite.
While we still did work a lot on the console versions in October, we finally have time again to work on other stuff as well. So let’s see what we got done and plan to do next.
Elemental War
Elemental War got some feedback from Microsoft during the last weeks and we fixed some mostly Xbox specific bugs. Some of them (or even small improvements we noticed during testing) will also affect the PC versions. So we’re going to release an update for that as well somewhen in the next weeks. When depends on whether we still notice problems and think it’s good to fix them first. It will be ready anyway before christmas so you can enjoy the fixes during the christmas holidays.
The Xbox One and Universal Windows Platform version though are almost done now, so once the submission passes we’re fine to go, even though we want to wait for the PlayStation version.
The PlayStation 4 version sadly still isn’t even submitted for certification, but we’re closer now, so fingers crossed we finally get there in November.

Read more about Elemental War.
Check out Elemental War on Kartridge.
Red Skies: Ascension
As there was less work for Elemental War and Tri6: Infinite in October we finally found time to continue work on our dialog tool. It wasn’t a big step yet, just some ground work to support the basics of dialogs. In November we plan to get a lot more done there and hopefully even get a first usable (not feature complete) version by end of the year. As it’s a general purpose tool I might give it a separate entry in the progress report in the future, we’ll see.
Read more about Red Skies: Ascension on the dedicated homepage. There you will also see how you can support us with the development of the game.

Read more about Red Skies: Ascension.
In October we released Spine 1.24.0 with a new filter in the database for already installed projects, a possibility to report inappropriate content (thanks to the work on the console versions of Elemental War and Tri6: Infinite) and a lot of bugfixes.
The November update is almost ready and will be released in just a week, on November 13th. One of the biggest changes is the introduction of a Spine specific version number. That’s meant to reduce the amount of confused players due to version mismatches between the Spine version of a mod project and the one you can download e.g. @ World of Gothic.
The update also contains improvements for developers, bugfixes and another filter, so you can also filter for already played projects (that don’t even need to be installed anymore). That way you can easily find projects you haven’t played yet.
If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.
Tri6: Infinite
The Tri6: Infinite progress was similar to Elemental War again. We got a lot of reports from Nintendo for the Switch version. Most are pretty nitpicky and they take a long time to report them and have long answer times, but we’re progressing there. Whether we will get out the version this year isn’t clear anymore. We hope so, but we can’t guarantee it.
But for those of you that own an Xbox One or buy their PC games in Microsoft Store, the good news is that we had our Tri6: Infinite Microsoft Store release. The version is even a little more up-to-date than the PC version on Steam, Kartridge and itch.io at the moment, even though there will be an update in the next weeks as well in order to get the fixes out there for all players.
For PlayStation 4 we have the same problem as for Elemental War that everything takes forever there. We made progress there, but we also don’t know how long it will take now to continue. The game is ready to get submitted though as soon as we can.

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.
Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox).
Check out Tri6: Infinite on Kartridge.
Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.
If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report October 2020
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