Past and future 2021

2021 is here, so time to look back on 2020 and give a glance at the future of Clockwork Origins in 2021!

2021 is here, so time to look back on 2020 and give a glance at the future of Clockwork Origins in 2021!

This report covers Elemental War, Red Skies: Ascension, Spine, TakeControl and Tri6: Infinite.

In general 2020 was a great year for us. We got approved as Switch and PlayStation developers released Tri6: Infinite as our second game and had our first big console launch of Elemental War via ID@Xbox.

2021 will continue with PlayStation and Switch releases and of course we will announce our next game later this year.

We are already working on this new idea and also a few other prototypes, so there will be definitely something great to see soon!

Elemental War

Even though the Elemental War release already was in 2019 we kept the updates going and improved the game a lot in 2020. Partially the fixes were necessary for the console versions, but there were a lot more as well.

We started in January with Elemental War 1.4.0 that quality of life features, bugfixes and performance improvements. In February we released Elemental War 1.5.0 that mainly focussed on controller fixes. The April update to Elemental War 1.6.0 added a feature request and added more performance optimizations. But the real milestone this year we worked on the previous months was the Elemental War 1.7.0 release that finally improved the performance by around 100% in average, in some setups even more. After that we released a few minor patches to fix specific stuff, mostly for multiplayer/coop on PC.

The year ended with the release of Elemental War 1.8.0 with a lot more bugfixes and finally the Elemental War release on Xbox! The Xbox release was very important for us and helped us a lot. We hope it will stay important in 2021 as well.

Aside from the PlayStation version Elemental War is finished for us now. We will of course keep up patches when necessary as the upcoming 1.8.1 release this month.

Read more about Elemental War.

Check out Elemental War @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox)

Check out Elemental War on Kartridge.

Red Skies: Ascension

In 2020 we made almost no progress on Red Skies: Ascension. We did some planning and started work on our content creation tool TakeControl we will talk about later.

In 2021 we don’t expect to make any meaningful progress as we have to grow Clockwork Origins in general first in order to be able to finish Red Skies one day.

Read more about Red Skies: Ascension on the dedicated homepage. There you will also see how you can support us with the development of the game.

Read more about Red Skies: Ascension.


In 2020 we had monthly updates for Spine and always tried to keep a balance of new features and stability and react to your feature requests as well. That didn’t always work out and there are still some problems we need to fix, but in general we did a good job there I would say. But let’s take a look on some details.

With Spine 1.16.0 in February we improved downloads a lot and added support to start via Steam for those of you that want the time being tracked there. The latter is a little hacky and sometimes doesn’t work due to the fact how mods are required to start and how Steam handles that.

Spine 1.17.0 in March improved downloads of the renderer versions a lot (performance and stability) and also improved speed of switching to the database tab due to some caching we added.

As requested a few times we added the release date of projects to the info page and also a hint for missing description texts so you can report them and provide suggestions in the April update Spine 1.18.0.

In order to provide our Tri6: Infinite demo in Spine as well with Spine 1.19.0 we added support for any games. We also introduced update times for the project so you can easily see when a project changed.

In June we added a lot of small nice features with Spine 1.20.0. That contained changelog support for updates, Union plugin support and more.

The main feature of Spine 1.21.0 in July was a global ranking across all our users to compare their Spine level.

Since Spine 1.22.0 the project and UI language aren’t linked anymore, so it’s finally possible to play projects of a language different than the UI language and switch between the supported languages.

Due to the new download system introduced in February there was no way to follow the progress of the downloads. So we decided to add a new view for that in Spine 1.23.0.

For our console development of Elemental War and Tri6: Infinite we had to add a content report functionality. So we decided to add that to Spine as well. That was the big feature of Spine 1.24.0.

Spine 1.25.0 in November didn’t contain one big new feature, but instead a lot of small improvements to help players and developers when using Spine.

We ended the year in the December update Spine 1.26.0 with the possibility to write text reviews additionality to just giving a rating.

Wow, that was actually a lot.

In 2021 we will keep up the updates and already released a first one with Spine 1.27.0. First we will focus on getting the existing bugs fixed and continue the code refactoring we started in 2020. That is necessary to do the UI improvements we plan to finally do this year.

While working on that stuff we will continue small improvements and also react to your feature requests.

If you still miss mods or have problems, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord.

Read more about Spine.


In 2020 we started the work on our content creation tool TakeControl. We will use it for all future projects with dialogs as soon as it’s ready. We made very good progress and the basics are working as expected.

We are now extending the functionality and for test purposes and in the hope someone will use it, we also write an export plugin for Gothic 2. That means you will be able write your dialogs in TakeControl and export to the Gothic 2 script format easily. The plan for 2021 is to get everything we need running for our future projects which includes Red Skies: Ascension. We will also setup a dedicated TakeControl page once we have something to show.

Tri6: Infinite

Tri6: Infinite is our latest project and we released in 2020 on Steam,, Kartridge, Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox) and Android and before the first release we also participated in the Steam Summer Festival with a demo that’s still available on Steam, and even in Spine. After the launch we also released a few updates that mostly added new skins for the vehicles aside of some bugfixes and improvements.

In 2021 we have the upcoming releases for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation. Switch can already be preordered and will be released on February 11th!

Once these two versions are released the project is done aside from patches that might be necessary, as we do for Elemental War.

Read more about Tri6: Infinite.

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Nintendo eShop

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Microsoft Store (PC and Xbox).

Check out Tri6: Infinite @ Google Play Store

Check out Tri6: Infinite Demo @ Google Play Store

Check out Tri6: Infinite on Kartridge.

Keep an eye on our homepage, Discord and Twitter, as we’ll provide more informations there when we have something to share. And of course also check out the next progress reports in the following months. You can also leave a comment here to share your opinions and subscribe to our newsletter to never miss an important news.

If you missed our last progress report, you can find it here: Progress Report January 2021.

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