126 Graphics_Line_Delete *
copy() {
237 Graphics_CameraFrustum_Update(
const int64_t goid,
const int64_t cid,
double l,
double r,
double t,
double b) :
GameMessageStruct(cid, goid), left(l), right(r), top(t), bottom(b) {
347 std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string, std::string, double, double>>
352 Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Create(
const int64_t,
const std::string & h,
const double s,
double i, uint32_t v,
const std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string, std::string, double, double>> & l, int64_t miX, int64_t miY, int64_t maX, int64_t maY);
366 std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string, std::string, double, double>>
371 Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Create(
const int64_t,
const std::vector<std::vector<double>> & h,
const double s,
double i, uint32_t v,
const std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string, std::string, double, double>> & l, int64_t miX, int64_t miY, int64_t maX, int64_t maY);
385 std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string, std::string, double, double>>
390 Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Update(
const int64_t coid,
const std::string & h,
const double s,
double i, uint32_t v,
const std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string, std::string, double, double>> & l, int64_t miX, int64_t miY, int64_t maX, int64_t maY);
404 std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string, std::string, double, double>>
409 Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Update(
const int64_t coid,
const std::vector<std::vector<double>> & h,
const double s,
double i, uint32_t v,
const std::vector<std::tuple<double, std::string, std::string, double, double>> & l, int64_t miX, int64_t miY, int64_t maX, int64_t maY);
445 Graphics_Viewport_Update(
const int64_t i,
const int64_t,
int z,
const double l,
const double t,
const double w,
const double h,
const double re,
const double gr,
const double bl,
const double al);
537 Graphics_StopAnimation_Update *
copy() {
568 Graphics_Billboard_Update(
const int64_t goid,
const int64_t coid,
const std::string & i,
const Vec3 & o,
double w,
double h,
double u_0,
double v_0,
double u_1,
double v_1);
590 Graphics_BillboardSet_Delete *
copy() {
636 Graphics_SkyPlane_Create(
const std::string & m,
double d, int32_t dir, int32_t s,
double t,
bool r,
double c, int32_t x, int32_t y);
647 Graphics_SkyBox_Delete *
copy() {
657 Graphics_SkyDome_Delete *
copy() {
667 Graphics_SkyPlane_Delete *
copy() {
740 Graphics_MovableText_Create(int64_t goid, int64_t coid,
const std::string & f,
const std::string & t,
double s,
const Vec3 & c) :
GameMessageStruct(coid, goid), font(f), text(t), size(s), colour(c) {
755 Graphics_MovableText_Update(int64_t goid, int64_t coid,
const std::string & f,
const std::string & t,
double s,
const Vec3 & c) :
GameMessageStruct(coid, goid), font(f), text(t), size(s), colour(c) {
766 std::function<double(const Vec3 &, const Vec3 &)>
926 std::function<void(void)>
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_ShadowCasting_Update Graphics_ShadowCasting_Update
enables or disables shadowcasting
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SkyBox_Create Graphics_SkyBox_Create
creates sky box
Graphics_Particle_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Implements 4-dimensional vectors.
Graphics_SkyBox_Create(const std::string &m, double d, bool r)
shuts graphics subsystem down
creates a shader for a GraphicsNode (deprecated)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Camera_Update Graphics_Camera_Update
updates a camera node on a GraphicsNode
attaches a GameObject to a bone
Graphics_Mesh_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_SkyDome_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_TerrainSetHeight_Update(const int64_t goID, uint64_t xPos, uint64_t zPos, double h)
sets frustum for a camera node on a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Mesh_Update Graphics_Mesh_Update
updates the mesh on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_FPS_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
std::string resourcesFile
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_AmbLight_Update Graphics_AmbLight_Update
creates an ambient light
Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Create(const int64_t, const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &h, const double s, double i, uint32_t v, const std::vector< std::tuple< double, std::string, std::string, double, double >> &l, int64_t miX, int64_t miY, int64_t maX, int64_t maY)
Graphics_Compositor_Update(int64_t goid, int64_t coid, const std::string &c, bool e)
Graphics_BillboardRemove_Update(const int64_t goid, const int64_t coid, const std::string &i)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_GetHighestCoordinate_Update Graphics_GetHighestCoordinate_Update
get highest coordinate
Graphics_Mesh_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
updates the visibility of a mesh on a GraphicsNode
creates a mesh on a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Update Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Update
updates a terrain
Graphics_MovableText_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
deletes mesh on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_CameraFrustum_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_Resolution_Update(const graphics::Resolution &r)
Class describing a 3d rotation.
Graphics_MovableText_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_AnimationFrameEvent_Update Graphics_AnimationFrameEvent_Update
adds an event to a key frame of an animation
updates a MovableText on a GraphicsNode and adds auto scaling
detaches a GameObject from a bone
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_CusParam_Update Graphics_CusParam_Update
Message to change a custom parameter of a shader script.
Graphics_ParticleFadeOut_Update(const int64_t goid, const int64_t coid)
updates a camera node on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_CameraFrustum_Update(const int64_t goid, const int64_t cid, double l, double r, double t, double b)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_AttachToBone_Update Graphics_AttachToBone_Update
attaches a GameObject to a bone
Graphics_MovableText_Delete(int64_t goid, int64_t coid)
Graphics_ShadowCasting_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_Particle_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SkyPlane_Create Graphics_SkyPlane_Create
creates sky plane
std::vector< std::tuple< double, std::string, std::string, double, double > > layers
Graphics_Particle_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_SetLinearFog_Update(const Vec3 &c, double s, double e)
Graphics_SkyDome_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Shader_Delete Graphics_Shader_Delete
deletes a shader of a GraphicsNode (deprecated)
std::function< void(void)> callback
updates position, rotation and scale of a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_ShadowTechnique_Update Graphics_ShadowTechnique_Update
updates shadow technique
Graphics_SetExponentialFog_Update(const Vec3 &c, double d)
updates fullscreen mode of render window
Graphics_AnimationFrameEvent_Update(int64_t coid, int64_t goid, uint64_t f, const std::function< void(void)> &fu)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_ParticleFadeOut_Update Graphics_ParticleFadeOut_Update
lets a particle fade out
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_MovableText_Create Graphics_MovableText_Create
creates a MovableText on a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_FPS_Delete Graphics_FPS_Delete
hides FPS
Graphics_Compositor_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
updates a MovableText on a GraphicsNode
boost::shared_ptr< Message > Ptr
Graphics_MeshVisibility_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SkyDome_Create Graphics_SkyDome_Create
creates sky dome
deletes a light from the GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Camera_Create Graphics_Camera_Create
creates a camera node on a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Camera_Delete Graphics_Camera_Delete
deletes a camera node from a GraphicsNode
Graphics_BillboardSet_Delete(const int64_t goid, const int64_t coid)
std::vector< std::vector< double > > heightdata
Graphics_SkyPlane_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
creates a Terrain in graphics subsystem
Graphics_MovableText_Create(int64_t goid, int64_t coid, const std::string &f, const std::string &t, double s, const Vec3 &c)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SkyPlane_Delete Graphics_SkyPlane_Delete
deletes sky plane
Graphics_SkyPlane_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
updates a particle effect
Graphics_PlayAnimation_Update(const int64_t, const int64_t, const std::string &a, bool l, double o)
double spotLightRangeOuter
std::vector< std::tuple< double, std::string, std::string, double, double > > layers
Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Create(const int64_t, const std::string &h, const double s, double i, uint32_t v, const std::vector< std::tuple< double, std::string, std::string, double, double >> &l, int64_t miX, int64_t miY, int64_t maX, int64_t maY)
Graphics_Fullscreen_Update(bool fs)
Graphics_Viewports_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Terrain_Delete Graphics_Terrain_Delete
deletes a terrain
Graphics_SkyBox_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_MovableText_Update(int64_t goid, int64_t coid, const std::string &f, const std::string &t, double s, const Vec3 &c)
Graphics_Shader_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_StopAnimation_Update Graphics_StopAnimation_Update
stop an animation
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_DrawBB_Update Graphics_DrawBB_Update
draws BoundingBox
Graphics_Screenshot_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_MovableText_Delete Graphics_MovableText_Delete
deletes a MovableText on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_SkyPlane_Create(const std::string &m, double d, int32_t dir, int32_t s, double t, bool r, double c, int32_t x, int32_t y)
Graphics_Billboard_Update(const int64_t goid, const int64_t coid, const std::string &i, const Vec3 &o, double w, double h, double u_0, double v_0, double u_1, double v_1)
updates the light on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_Luminous_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Implements 3-dimensional vectors.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Graphic_Delete Graphics_Graphic_Delete
shuts graphics subsystem down
Graphics_Line_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_BillboardSet_Delete Graphics_BillboardSet_Delete
removes a billboard set
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_BillboardSet_Create Graphics_BillboardSet_Create
creates a billboard set
Graphics_Mesh_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
creates a camera node on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_AmbLight_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Particle_Create Graphics_Particle_Create
creates a particle effect on given position
Graphics_AmbLight_Update(double r, double g, double b)
Graphics_SaveTerrainShape_Create(const int64_t, const std::string &f, const std::function< void(void)> &cb)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Resolution_Update Graphics_Resolution_Update
updates resolution of render window
Graphics_FPS_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_MovableTextAutoScaleCallback_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_SetAnimationSpeed_Update(const int64_t, const int64_t, double s)
Graphics_ShadowCasting_Update(int64_t coid, int64_t goid, bool b)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Billboard_Update Graphics_Billboard_Update
creates a billboard
Graphics_DrawBB_Update(int64_t coid, int64_t goid, const Vec3 &c)
Graphics_Shader_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_ShadowTechnique_Update(ShadowTechnique st)
Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_Screenshot_Create(const std::string &p, const std::string &s)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Compositor_Update Graphics_Compositor_Update
enables/disables a compositor for a viewport
double spotLightRangeInner
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Create Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Create
creates a Terrain in graphics subsystem
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Viewports_Delete Graphics_Viewports_Delete
deletes a viewport
Graphics_SetLinearFog_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_FPS_Create Graphics_FPS_Create
shows FPS
enables/disables a compositor for a viewport
creates a particle effect on given position
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SkyDome_Delete Graphics_SkyDome_Delete
deletes sky dome
std::vector< std::tuple< double, std::string, std::string, double, double > > layers
Graphics_TerrainSetHeight_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_LoadResources_Create Graphics_LoadResources_Create
preload resources of a level
Graphics_DrawBB_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_SaveTerrainShape_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Node_Create Graphics_Node_Create
creates a node in Graphics subsystem, used by PhysicsNode and MeshAppearanceComponent ...
Graphics_DetachFromBone_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_TerrainSetHeight_Update Graphics_TerrainSetHeight_Update
updates a terrain
Graphics_CusParam_Update(const int64_t cid, const int64_t goid, const uint32_t n, const Vec4 &v)
Graphics_Luminous_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SetLinearFog_Update Graphics_SetLinearFog_Update
sets linear fog
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Update Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Update
updates a terrain
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Fullscreen_Update Graphics_Fullscreen_Update
updates fullscreen mode of render window
Graphics_Node_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_ParticleFadeOut_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_Terrain_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
deletes a shader of a GraphicsNode (deprecated)
Graphics_SkyDome_Create(const std::string &m, int32_t c, double t, double d, bool r)
deletes a camera node from a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Node_Update Graphics_Node_Update
updates position, rotation and scale of a GraphicsNode
creates a node in Graphics subsystem, used by PhysicsNode and MeshAppearanceComponent ...
Graphics_GetHighestCoordinate_Update(const Vec3 &s, const std::function< void(Vec3)> &c)
creates a Terrain using a heightmap in graphics subsystem
Graphics_PlayAnimation_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_MeshVisibility_Update(const int64_t goid, const int64_t wfid, bool v)
Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Update(const int64_t coid, const std::string &h, const double s, double i, uint32_t v, const std::vector< std::tuple< double, std::string, std::string, double, double >> &l, int64_t miX, int64_t miY, int64_t maX, int64_t maY)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Node_Delete Graphics_Node_Delete
deletes a GraphicsNode
Graphics_RemoveBB_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
creates a MovableText on a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Line_Delete Graphics_Line_Delete
deletes a line between two points
Graphics_Node_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_BillboardSet_Create(const int64_t goid, const int64_t coid, const std::string &m, double w, double h, BillboardOrigin o)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_MovableText_Update Graphics_MovableText_Update
updates a MovableText on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_Line_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
std::function< void(uint16_t)> callback
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SkyBox_Delete Graphics_SkyBox_Delete
deletes sky box
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Create Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Create
creates a Terrain using a heightmap in graphics subsystem
std::function< void(Vec3)> callback
enables or disables shadowcasting
Message to change a custom parameter of a shader script.
Graphics_RemoveBB_Update(int64_t coid, int64_t goid)
Graphics_BillboardSet_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
creates a line between to given points, used e.g. by DebugDrawer for bounding boxes ...
deletes a line between two points
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_MeshVisibility_Update Graphics_MeshVisibility_Update
updates the visibility of a mesh on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_CusParam_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_Fullscreen_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_DetachFromBone_Update(int64_t coid, int64_t goid, int64_t o, const std::string &b)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Viewport_Update Graphics_Viewport_Update
updates dimensions and color of a viewport
Graphics_Billboard_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Mesh_Create Graphics_Mesh_Create
creates a mesh on a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Mesh_Delete Graphics_Mesh_Delete
deletes mesh on a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_PlayAnimation_Update Graphics_PlayAnimation_Update
plays an animation
Graphics_Camera_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Line_Create Graphics_Line_Create
creates a line between to given points, used e.g. by DebugDrawer for bounding boxes ...
Graphics_AnimationFrameEvent_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Particle_Delete Graphics_Particle_Delete
deletes a particle effect
Graphics_BillboardSet_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_SetAnimationSpeed_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Material_Update Graphics_Material_Update
changes material of a mesh
Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_Viewport_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > heightdata
Graphics_Node_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SaveTerrainShape_Create Graphics_SaveTerrainShape_Create
exports a terrain shape
Graphics_StopAnimation_Update(const int64_t, const int64_t)
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_DetachFromBone_Update Graphics_DetachFromBone_Update
detaches a GameObject from a bone
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Luminous_Update Graphics_Luminous_Update
updates the light on a GraphicsNode
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SetAnimationSpeed_Update Graphics_SetAnimationSpeed_Update
sets animation speed
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_RemoveBB_Update Graphics_RemoveBB_Update
removes BoundingBox
std::function< void(void)> func
Graphics_Material_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_BillboardRemove_Update Graphics_BillboardRemove_Update
removes a billboard
deletes a MovableText on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_LoadResources_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_ShadowTechnique_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
changes material of a mesh
updates resolution of render window
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Screenshot_Create Graphics_Screenshot_Create
takes a screenshot
std::vector< std::tuple< double, std::string, std::string, double, double > > layers
ShadowTechnique shadowTechnique
std::function< double(const Vec3 &, const Vec3 &)> callback
preload resources of a level
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_SetExponentialFog_Update Graphics_SetExponentialFog_Update
sets exponential fog
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Shader_Create Graphics_Shader_Create
creates a shader for a GraphicsNode (deprecated)
Graphics_AttachToBone_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
deletes a particle effect
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Luminous_Delete Graphics_Luminous_Delete
deletes a light from the GraphicsNode
Graphics_StopAnimation_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_MovableTextAutoScaleCallback_Update(int64_t goid, int64_t coid, const std::function< double(const Vec3 &, const Vec3 &)> &c)
Graphics_Camera_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_MovableTextAutoScaleCallback_Update Graphics_MovableTextAutoScaleCallback_Update
updates a MovableText on a GraphicsNode and adds auto scaling
Graphics_Camera_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_Resolution_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_TerrainHeightmap_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_CameraFrustum_Update Graphics_CameraFrustum_Update
sets frustum for a camera node on a GraphicsNode
adds an event to a key frame of an animation
updates the mesh on a GraphicsNode
Graphics_BillboardRemove_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_TerrainHeightdata_Update(const int64_t coid, const std::vector< std::vector< double >> &h, const double s, double i, uint32_t v, const std::vector< std::tuple< double, std::string, std::string, double, double >> &l, int64_t miX, int64_t miY, int64_t maX, int64_t maY)
Graphics_AttachToBone_Update(int64_t coid, int64_t goid, int64_t o, const std::string &b)
Graphics_SetExponentialFog_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_Graphic_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_SkyBox_Create * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_MovableText_Delete * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
Graphics_GetHighestCoordinate_Update * copy()
Copy method returning an exact copy of itself.
i6e::api::graphics::Graphics_Particle_Update Graphics_Particle_Update
updates a particle effect
graphics::Resolution resolution
updates dimensions and color of a viewport
Graphics_LoadResources_Create(const std::string &rf, const std::function< void(uint16_t)> &cb, const GameMessage::Ptr &m)